my trac is gonna be in off-road magazine! | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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my trac is gonna be in off-road magazine!

Damn, Barnes & Nobles doesn't carry Off Road Mag, the local grocery store does as well as Walmart, iirc, so ill pick it up later on.

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Just bought my copy. Good read!!

I've been looking at this magazine for awhile now. Never bought it because I thought it was geared more towards prerunners so I didn't buy it. I just found it in Walmart and picked it up.

I geuss I'll have to submit my Trac to some magazines, too busy with work, taking care of my 1 year old son and building up my Trac to take the time to submit to any. lol

Thanks man. I'd have to really sit down and try to figure out all of the mods I've done to it, way too many to think of off the top of my head (engine, exhaust, suspension, exterior, interior, etc.....) LOL. I'll probably submit it next summer, need to get my rear bumper, sliders and fender/ bedside bars fabricated and welded in first. The new suspension/ steering parts I installed last summer should need replaced in about two years so I have time to save up for my SAS, SOA. Hopefully things pan out better and I can do those sooner, like next fall, fingers crossed.

Congratulations!!! It's a great feeling :D
