my wife washed my cell phone | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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my wife washed my cell phone


EF Vendor
April 1, 2009
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92 explorer's true, I had a pair of shorts on and had my cell phone in my pocket. I changed my shorts so that I could go out and mow my dust bowl of a lawn.While I was doing that my wife decided to toss my shorts into the wash machine with the laundry.

I came in and said...where are my shorts,oh in the wash machine,so I said uh did you take my cell phone out of the pocket.:pray:,

So my phone went through a complete wash even the spin cycle. I pulled my phone out of the wash machine and it was dead as a door nail.

My wife said I heard if you take the battery out any stick the phone into a bag of rice over night it may dry it out and work again,so I said yah right.

I had nothing to loose so tried the rice trick, I buried the phone in a plastic bag full of Uncle Bens, and woke up the next morning and low and behold the darn thing turned on and worked,I couldn't believe it.:yes1:

So if yah drop your phone into a puddle,sink,lake etc try this out,it worked for me.

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Reminds me of when I decided to hit the hot tub at the gym. Sat down, laid my hand on my leg and yup- phone in my pocket. Took it apart, dried it out for a day, and all was well. :thumbsup:

I swear I was putting my hand on my LEG. :D

The rice pulls the moisture out of the device. You can buy bags of desiccant work too, but rice is so much cheaper and people normally have that.


I fully submerged my phone twice. Both times I immediately pulled the battery, took it apart and let it sit overnight, and all was well.

Good deal! Glad it worked out for you.

I dropped a cell phone in a cup of Pepsi once. It was completely submerged. I pulled the battery out and let it dry for a couple days and it continued to work until it was time to buy a new phone. Electronics sure are tougher than they used to be.

Good deal! Glad it worked out for you.

I dropped a cell phone in a cup of Pepsi once. It was completely submerged. I pulled the battery out and let it dry for a couple days and it continued to work until it was time to buy a new phone. Electronics sure are tougher than they used to be.

You probably should have rinsed the soda off of it...:p:

Another trick I've heard of is submerging a phone in 71% Isopropyl alcohol. The alcohol will absorb the water.

That's all that HEAT is.

That's a win/win situation, clean shorts and saved your cell phone!
PS, Tony thank you, I ordered some parts from your store for a couple of projects last week, they where delivered to my door a day and a half later.

glad it worked
