Naches...mudslide on 410 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Naches...mudslide on 410

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I had a nice detour for the trip home, When I got to where they had the road closed they told me I could take the cayuse pass, when I got to the turn off for Cayuse pass it was closed for construction so I had to take 410 to 512 to I-5 then heaed south turned into a long trip home around the north .

We didn't have a clew until I got home and turned on my phone. Rick sent me a text. We were wondering why the WSP was stopping traffic at the summit of Chinook.

The slide was probably 20 miles from us?

It's going (or was/is) a nasty supprise for Ben and his Cadre.

410 is going to be f'd up for a long time.

WOW....that is about the same spot that Kevin, Ken and I saw the John Deere Jeep on our way into town....


WOW....that is about the same spot that Kevin, Ken and I saw the John Deere Jeep on our way into town....


It's quite a bit further down the road/river (15 miles). It's past Cliffdell (Shell station) and past Pinecliff.

Rick found this picture that gives a better perspective.

Edit; well maybe not since it comes out so blurry


  • 410 slide.bmp
    147.7 KB · Views: 597

Yeah...that is right about where we saw the John Deere Jeep. Saturday morning Kevin Ken and I jumped in Cody's BII and drove to the Ranger Station in.....where ever it was that we get a Park Permit that we didn't need.....remember? :rolleyes:

