Naches Pass - Funny Rocks - Moon Rocks after July15 | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Naches Pass - Funny Rocks - Moon Rocks after July15

My hitch is a PITA to remove. It's a FORD hitch, I don't know who, if any body made it for them. I know it effects my depature angle, but I'm not too worried about it.


Nothin' like tilling that fertile Naches soil :D

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We may bring some bicycles, so I AM going to need it for those...


We may bring some bicycles, so I AM going to need it for those...


I'll GIVE you a nice 4 bolt Drawtite for conisderation in the future
Posted via Mobile Device

I'll TAKE it...LOL


The way to the 'Rocks'

There is another way to get to the 'Rocks' that would keep you off of SR410. It is up Milk Lake RD aka 1708, HOWEVER, there is a big section of the mountain that is sliding.

On the way up last month, we cross the sliding section 3 times but the 4th was unpassable. It is now a 7ft drop/wall.

There is a 'short cut' that should bypass the slide area but when we looked at it it was still very wet and muddy. It's questionable whether Rick or Ryan can make it up, I might not make it without the winch but it might be dry now and a different story.

Even going up the 1708, we'll be on the 1900 rd for 10-12 miles.

Early on in the planning, the point was made that the 2 locations are about 20 miles apart and the initial goal was to run the Naches. Anything else would be bonus.


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Don't worry, me and Ryan have mud tires and besides Ryan's bringing the tiller so bypass no problem:biggthump

I have some tractor tires on ford rims, you could just till out all the bad spots with your hitch...

Chris is talking about camping with our friends that are staying by the rocks but he will try to meet up with us and run some trails, we will see how everything works out. He is still finishing up his dubbler, he will be cutting it close.

The girl friend dosent want to go so I can meet you guys on Thursday now, Forest might come early also and have his girl friend meet us when she gets off work on friday.

What time are you showing up Phil?
Looks like the weather will be good
How long ago was that you were over? Did I have my top chopped them?

What time are you showing up Phil?
Looks like the weather will be good
How long ago was that you were over? Did I have my top chopped them?

I'm planning on arriving around noon Thursday and hanging around camp. Since Speed and Trixie are bringing bikes, I'll try to pack in Trav's and mine too.

Rick and I were there,,,,2 weeks ago? when I took the pictures of the camp area, before that was Fathers Day weekend when we went up to the rocks with Jerry and Randy.

I wouldn't be supprised to see a red BII roll through camp sometime over the weekend.:cool:

No your top was still on.

I'm hoping there's a little rain now with a couple days to dry off, then there won't be too much dust.:thumbsup:

The dust was bad when we were up there, hope the rain will fix that. I put the explorer on the hoist today to check everything out before the trip and I found a nail sticking out of my front tire. Im lucky I didn't get a flat while I was playing over there the other night... so I called up 4 wheel parts and ordered a spare swamper and wheel for the trip.

After the allignment, the rear is way to high. Does anyone that is coming have anyy stock height rear shackles for a 84-90 BII or Ranger?

I will look around tonight after I get home, I have mine old ones I just not sure where

I will look around tonight after I get home, I have mine old ones I just not sure where

Thanks JR, but don't worry about it. I found some at Right Way Spring in Tacoma. My buddy is picking them up now and delivering them to me here at work in Seattle. :)

Just need to throw in the coolers and top off the tank, then we're outta here in the morning:thumbsup::D

If all goes well I should be on the road by 12 PM

I should be over there sometime in the afternoon (black powerstroke towing a 20' enclosed trailer, CB will be on 22), Chris, Forest, and Andy are all heading over late friday night.

We plan on leaving at noon also. Our GPS says the trip should take EXACLTY 3 hours to the Co-ordinates posted earlier...


For those driving their rigs over, don't forget to fuel up in Cliffdell or Squaw Rock BEFORE you head up the 1900 to camp!

Friday we'll be heading away from provisions/fuel.

Kevin, I have a sheet for the movie screen and some :popcorn:

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See y'all this afternoon. we're outta here in a few mintues:thumbsup:
