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Name My Truck

Generation Kill eh? Its already a book and a movie, but I doubt they would try to sue me for copyright infringement. And I am part of Generation Kill....

I like it, what does everyone else think?

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Ok, the contest is officially over. Officially. Many thanks to Gmanpaint, for the sleepless nights, and tireless days he spent thinking his ass off to come up with the winning name. And the $50,000.00 ($1 after all applicable taxes and fees) winning name is Heep Hunter

Hope I don't get in trouble for posting this bet it was suppose to be a secret but I got the picture. :thumbsup:

lol, I should have known better than to text pics to people. Anyways, here's the thread I started for the Ranger. Some more pics in there, as well as a semi-good description.

lol, I should have known better than to text pics to people. Anyways, here's the thread I started for the Ranger. Some more pics in there, as well as a semi-good description.

It was so little on my phone I just had to see it bigger and then thought why not let everyone see it lol.

Good to know that my phone at least takes decent pics, lol.
