Navigation outside US or Canada | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Navigation outside US or Canada


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November 22, 2017
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2017 Explorer Sport 3.5L
I have just bought a MY2017 Ford Explorer Sport (great car, my choice was an overpriced Landrover Discovery 5 - I live in London, England - or Ford Explorer Sport ... Ford won hands down). I would like to view navigation maps on my Sync 3 screen (I am currently running v2.0 but will attempt to upgrade tonight to v2.3 ... wish me luck!). I can plug in my iPhone an view iMaps but can't view Google maps or Waze, does anyone know how to do this? Thanks, John

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Welcome to the Forum John.:wave:
Just to be clear, are you trying to view the iMaps you pull up on your iPhone on the Sync 3 screen? Which SD card do you currently have installed for navigation? Is it F5?Also, please add the year (2017) of your Explorer to your profile so it shows in the margin. The 2018 models will also soon be using this sub forum. Thanks.


Hi Peter, I have added the model year but was cut off at 25 characters so couldn't add that it's a 3.5L ecoboost. On navigation, I am plugging my iPhone into the USB port (below the sync3 screen) so believe I am using the iMaps app on Sync3 that is, in turn, using my iPhone. Of course, I could be completely wrong as to how sync3 works! Now for the bad bit ... should there be an SD card installed? I certainly haven't installed one so am at a complete loss as to what you are talking about - sorry! Thanks, John

Hi Peter, I have added the model year but was cut off at 25 characters so couldn't add that it's a 3.5L ecoboost. On navigation, I am plugging my iPhone into the USB port (below the sync3 screen) so believe I am using the iMaps app on Sync3 that is, in turn, using my iPhone. Of course, I could be completely wrong as to how sync3 works! Now for the bad bit ... should there be an SD card installed? I certainly haven't installed one so am at a complete loss as to what you are talking about - sorry! Thanks, John
Good evening John. The 2017 Sport only comes with the 3.5L Ecoboost so that is an 'understood' feature. As for the SD card , that was my mistake. The pre 2016 Explorers with Navigation had a slot in which the card was inserted. This card contained the navigation info/maps. With Sync 3 that requirement was deleted. Just recalled that when I was out trying to find the location of the card.:D Sorry about the misinformation. I don't have a Smartphone so I am not familiar with what it should or should not do when plugged into the USB port and using the Apps. Hopefully another, more informed member will be able to help out with that.


CarPlay only allows apple maps.

Android Auto allows Google Maps and Waze.

Thanks for the various replies. Having read the comments, trawled through online sites and asked a few people off-line if does appear that apple have limited apple car play to a small number of apps. However, for the brave, you can jailbrake your phone and load more apps into car play. This seems a bit extreme so I will wait for apple to add more apps; Waze and Sygic would get my vote!

Google owns Waze........ it will never be on Car Play

I have an iPhone, and the way I work around this issue is I keep an android device in the car plugged into the USB and I share WIFI on the iPhone so the android connects to Internet and I can use Waze. I live in the city so its the only way around traffic. hope this helps.
