Need advice on issue with new Explorer | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need advice on issue with new Explorer

...Dealership owner unwilling to take loss and swap out for new vehicle. Not to mention the fact, they are making money on my trade-in vehicle. Needless to say, I won't be shopping there again in the future.
I will be doing everything I can to look into this for you. I have the PM you sent with your information and I’ll send a reply as soon as possible.


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I will be doing everything I can to look into this for you. I have the PM you sent with your information and I’ll send a reply as soon as possible.


Thanks. Please let me know ASAP as they want me to pick up the vehicle today. I called the 800 Ford number and they were no help at all.

Thanks. Please let me know ASAP as they want me to pick up the vehicle today. I called the 800 Ford number and they were no help at all.
I see that you were called about this after I escalated the matter. I’m available through PMs if you’d like any additional help in the future.


I am interested to see what happens here. Keep us all updated.

I am interested to see what happens here. Keep us all updated.

Will let you know. At this point, Ford Customer Service has been no help. They stated this is a warranty repair issue and anything related to the sales contract is between me and the dealer. The owner of the dealership has denied my request to swap to another vehicle stating they already titled my explorer and would now have to sell it as a used vehicle (with 200 miles on it).

The dealership contacted me yesterday that vehicle was ready to be picked up. When I arrived the windshield was still covered in overspray so I refused to pick it up. Supposedly it is now done - guess I will see this afternoon. This makes 4 trips to the dealership on this one issue alone.

Will let you know. At this point, Ford Customer Service has been no help. They stated this is a warranty repair issue and anything related to the sales contract is between me and the dealer. The owner of the dealership has denied my request to swap to another vehicle stating they already titled my explorer and would now have to sell it as a used vehicle (with 200 miles on it).

The dealership contacted me yesterday that vehicle was ready to be picked up. When I arrived the windshield was still covered in overspray so I refused to pick it up. Supposedly it is now done - guess I will see this afternoon. This makes 4 trips to the dealership on this one issue alone.

I should have added that my next step is to file a complaint with the BBB, TN Dept of Consumer Affairs and the TN Motor Vehicle Commission.

Will let you know. At this point, Ford Customer Service has been no help. They stated this is a warranty repair issue and anything related to the sales contract is between me and the dealer. The owner of the dealership has denied my request to swap to another vehicle stating they already titled my explorer and would now have to sell it as a used vehicle (with 200 miles on it).

The dealership contacted me yesterday that vehicle was ready to be picked up. When I arrived the windshield was still covered in overspray so I refused to pick it up. Supposedly it is now done - guess I will see this afternoon. This makes 4 trips to the dealership on this one issue alone.

I have been toying with the idea og getting rid of my 98 and getting a brand new one. However, if this is normal... not sure I want to. It depends on how Ford resolves this.

They process titles that fast in Tn? Seems like they could put a stop on it. Forgive me if I don't seem to care that they now have to sell it as a used vehicle. They should not have delivered it to you in the condition they did in the first place. It's their bad. OWN UP TO IT! But then again this is a Ford dealership and getting Ford to own up to any of the issues on the explorer thus far has been difficult to do at best.

I should have added that my next step is to file a complaint with the BBB, TN Dept of Consumer Affairs and the TN Motor Vehicle Commission.
I just wanted to give you a heads up that I sent you a PM about this. Please check your inbox for the details. I’m determined to see that you’re happy with your Explorer.

I have been toying with the idea og getting rid of my 98 and getting a brand new one...
I’m sure you’d be extremely pleased all the features we’ve added on the new Explorer since ‘98. You can call the Marketing Program Headquarters @ 800.334.4375 to set up a test drive to help you decide. Also, be sure to check out for the latest offers available to you. :)

