Need fast replies!!! 94-95 Ranger fenders on a 91 Explorer? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need fast replies!!! 94-95 Ranger fenders on a 91 Explorer?


Elite Cabin-Fever Captain
March 24, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Centralia, Washington
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 , 93 & 01 Sports
Ok I did the old search and didn't see an exact answer for my question.

Will a set of fiberglass 4" flare fenders from a 94-95 Ranger fit even with a little modification on a 91-94 Explorer?I was doing some online looking and found the offered for sale.

If they will work I want to nab them and I fear my time is limited on getting dibs on them.

Edit: Oh and these would be much cheaper than buying some from Perry's that is why I ask. Like 130 bucks plus shipping

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Here's a pic to help you out.. :confused:


  • ranger.jpg
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Yea well here's another one


But those are Explorer fenders, right?

Well I decided to pass anywasy but here's the pic looks close




those don't look like 1st gen fenders.

That other one looks like a ranger fender on a highly modified 2nd gen body.

OOopps! Wife was trying to be a sweatheart

My wife heard me talking about wanting these and low and behold she just came to me and said she bid on them and won. $127.50 so I guess I will be attempting to fit these and do some trimming or find a ranger guy to sell them to.

I thought she was joking, but she was off in the other room on her computer while I was on mine. I went to Ebay and sure enough there was her log in name "SNOWCHAR"

Well what ya gonna do!

You can make it work. If anything just convert to a Ranger front end! :D

Didn't Rick put metal fenders from a ranger back on his X at one point? can't remember who did it, but I know someone did it, and it seems like it may have been Rick. Only big problem is that the 01-94 Xs have the square headlights and it looks like the ranger glass might be the round style. So you would have to do like Rick and use Perry's kit or replace the hood, grill, and lights from a later model X.

Jack, if they don't work, drop me a line, but I think there are custom fenders to make the swap, good luck

Only big problem is that the 01-94 Xs have the square headlights and it looks like the ranger glass might be the round style

Explorer 91-94

ranger 93-97

I think the fiberglass could be worked to match the front lights and the contour of the wheel well

I can get some measurements for you from a '94 Ranger when my rommies come home about midnight (PST :D ). That way you can at least tell if it'll be too long, short, etc for your truck.

Oh yes that would be cool. measure all around maybe even wheel well size, oh that won't matter much since its a 4" flare

These are stock fender measurements.

The 32.5" and the 14.25" are the rounded distances. As in I laid the tape on the metal and followed the curve.


  • 102.jpg
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OOopps! Wife was trying to be a sweatheart
Oh well, atleast she tried.

Maybe you can politely explain and the seller may allow you to renig. You may get some bad feedback, but atleast you won't be out $130 + whatever it takes to make them fit.

Originally posted by section525
These are stock fender measurements.

The 32.5" and the 14.25" are the rounded distances. As in I laid the tape on the metal and followed the curve.

Thanks man, this is awesome. I will compare them tonight.
