NEED HELP ASAP!!! Is this frame bent badly? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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NEED HELP ASAP!!! Is this frame bent badly?

Ford Explorer9

Active Member
June 19, 2012
Reaction score
I am bidding on a crashed ford explorer right now and I need your opinions on it. If the frame is bent in 6 inches or more I can't buy it. However if it is less it isn't a big deal for me to get fixed. The part I am focusing on is the bar that goes across in the front. Please take a look at it and tell me what you think.

The difference in fixing price is two grand if the frame is bent over 6 inches and that would put me over budget. So how far do you think the crossbar on the front is bashed in?

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its toast. look at the frame where the bumper mounts. not to mention a co is not a title so your gonna have problems titling it

Dang it. I'm pretty in love with this truck right now so my judgement can't be trusted haha. However if you think it is pretty bad I guess I should just stay away, I can handle any frame damage that didn't push it over 6 inches but if it did I am screwed. Trying to only pay $10,000 all said and done.

6" is pretty far don't ya think? Frame damage in general is sketchy, but half a foot! I wouldn't consider anything with more than 1".

6" is pretty far don't ya think? Frame damage in general is sketchy, but half a foot! I wouldn't consider anything with more than 1".

Haha yeah it seems far but I have a family friend who owns a salvage yard that said as long as it was under 6 inches it won't cost me anything beyond my budget. However over 6 inches will cost me an extra two grand. He can fix it either way, but this truck is starting to add up...

Kind of a random question but is there any other American SUV that gets 20+ mpg on the freeway? Looking for something between 2003-2008 but these ford explorers with the V8 are a pain to find salvaged sadly.

I would think the cost to fix it has more to do with where and in which direction than how many inches it's moved?
Not sure how your buddy does it, but when I had to get mine fixed they pulled it straight. Seems like the hardest part would be the last .25"

I would think the cost to fix it has more to do with where and in which direction than how many inches it's moved?
Not sure how your buddy does it, but when I had to get mine fixed they pulled it straight. Seems like the hardest part would be the last .25"

You are correct, I showed him the pictures of the truck and he believed it has only moved 3 inches. However he said pictures can be deceiving and if it is 6 inches or more I can get screwed. He will repair the truck for me either way but the price is going to hurt more if we are wrong about the frame, hence why I asked for what you guys thought haha.

Sorry I should have explained what was going on more haha. I just wanted more peoples opinion on how far the frame seems to have moved. I don't mind frame damage it just can't be past 6 inches in this particular spot or a frame specialist will have to be called. If it is 6 inches or less he can straighten the frame without issue. But after thinking about the resale of this vehicle, it will be even harder to sell a salvage title truck with frame damage also. So talking myself out of it now haha.

It probably got hit hard enough that the passenger side doors are probably not gonna align.. Thats the one drawback at looking at a salvage vehicle online, you can't get a real feel of the damage and look at the frame, body lines, etc to tell how hard the impact was.

Any bent frame is a for sure no go. JMO

It probably got hit hard enough that the passenger side doors are probably not gonna align.. Thats the one drawback at looking at a salvage vehicle online, you can't get a real feel of the damage and look at the frame, body lines, etc to tell how hard the impact was.

Didn't even think about the doors! I ended up not buying it, they bid it up way past what it was worth. Thanks for all the help guys, you prevented me from getting a junker!
