Need help asap!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need help asap!!!


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Glassboro, southern jersey
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 Limited 5.0
Ive got the availability of a pretty much mangled 99 F-150 4x4 For parts. I have NOT seen the truck yet. Now im not familiar with the setup of its four wheel drive. Is it possible to swap the rear into my 2000 x 4x4? And if so id imagine that id need to match it with the same rear in the front. And does the F-150 have a solid axle in the front? The truck is goin to the junk yard on sunday. And right now my x has many issues (braking system) so i havent went to answer a question or 2 of mine. Thank you for any and all help, i may have the opportunity for a price cut sas :D

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F-150 rear is different than the Explorer Rear. They are considerably wider, set up for spring over axle, not spring under axle, and are an 8.8' rear if they have the 4.6 motor and a 9.75" rear if it has the 5.4 motor. The front is not a solid axle, it is IFS and, IIRC based off a Dana 44 pumpkin. F-250 and up came with a solid front axle.

Thats the quickest and most helpful response ive ever had, less than a minute!! Thank you, even tho thats a bummer... i wasnt sure if the width would be to much more outrageous as long as it was matched to the front but i guess at this point its irrelevant, but i also just caught word of a smashed 99 mounty!!! (same guy go figure) i can only imagine that the rear from that would be a good match!

The '99 Rear from the Mounty will be a direct bolt in for your truck...however, there may be sensor differences and you have to make sure the gear ratio's are the same as your front axle.

The only reason i was gonna swap out the rear axle was if the f series had 2 solid axles but would i be able to use the rear from the mounty for sas?
