Need help finding driveshaft yoke | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need help finding driveshaft yoke


Well-Known Member
January 17, 2008
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Long Island, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 GMC Yukon 2 Door
OK, long story short I was replacing my U-joints and in a stupid move managed to break the lip off that holds the clip which holds the U-joints in place. This is on the flange on the front of the rear driveshaft, which bolts up to the transfer case. So I'm looking to replace this flange without replacing the whole shaft, but am having a hard time finding a place that will sell just this flange. This is for a '92 4 dr Ex with 4wd and an auto trans. Does anyone know of a place where I can buy this flange? I found this place but I'm not sure which flange is the one I need. I think it's the 1310 series large bolt pattern but I would like confirmation. I also found this store where it's cheaper. They are calling it the front yoke, is that the part that I am referring to? Any help would be appreciated. This is my DD and I need it fixed asap. Thanks.

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Would you be better off yanking one off a wreck? At least you'll know it's the part you're looking for, you'll save money too.


If there were any junkyards around me where you pull the parts yourself then I would definitely go that route. But all the junkyards around me pull the parts for you. And although I haven't checked yet I doubt that any of them would be willing to press out the U-joints in order to sell me the part. They would probably only sell the shaft as a whole.

I'm a bit confused as to exactly what broke -- a pic would be of great help.

BTW, its a 1330-series. I too once thought it was a 1310 but gijoecam set me straight, its a 1330.

Assuming this is the part that you broke:

I just measured the one I have in case you're buying from Denny's driveshaft -- the one you want is the "small" pattern, 2.5x2.5 inches for the 1330-series:

You can also try contacting the vendor ERICAUTOPART who specializes in driveshafts and driveshaft related parts . This vendor's info is here:

If it's 1330, then why did 1310 u-joints work in mine?
You sure you're talking about the rear driveshaft? The front is a 1310 but the rear should be a 1330.

But the difference between the 1310 and the 1330 is the "cross"'s overall diameter (3.219 vs 3.625 inches), so technically a 1310 will fit in a 1330 but the caps will be too far out (by about .2 inches for each cap -- both have 1.062 inches cap diameter) and the driveshaft should experience vibration.

IZ, thanks for your help the picture that you posted is the part I'm looking for. Here's a picture.

The part circled in red is what I'm looking for. I was getting a little frustrated because these U-joints have been nothing but trouble and I went a little too far with the ball joint press and an impact gun. The clip for the U-joint was already in and I guess the press is stronger than I thought because before I knew it I blew the lip that holds the clip in right off. You can kind of see it in the picture. But anyways thanks for the measurements, so it looks like I need the 1330 series with the small bolt pattern.

Edit: I did contact ericautopart but he only had complete shafts.

Hey just to verify, get one of the old u-joints out (with both caps on opposing ends pushed in as far as they can go) and measure its width from one outside edge of one cap to the other.

If its 3.21x inches, its a 1310. If its 3.62x inches, its a 1330 -- just to make sure you order the right series flange.

Also I guess you can verify if its the "large" pattern or the "small" pattern by measuring the distance from center to center of the bolt holes of the flange. Mine came up as the "small" 2.5x2.5 but there's always the chance that yours might be different.

Will do, thanks.

You could just buy the shaft section from the slip joint to the flange from the junk yard. That way they won't have to press out the u-joint, but you aren't buying the entire shaft.
Some yards wont let you do that because then that other half is pretty much useless.

You could just buy the shaft section from the slip joint to the flange from the junk yard. That way they won't have to press out the u-joint, but you aren't buying the entire shaft.

Yeah, I called a junkyard today and they'll only sell the shaft as a whole.

Well I finally got around to measuring for the flange because I am going to place the order tonight. Just for future reference the U-joints in my driveshaft (first gen) are 1310s. So maybe the first gens have 1310s and they upgraded to 1330s for later generations? Granted I didn't have the most accurate measuring tool (a ruler) but the measurement came up just short of 3 1/4." The bolt holes in the flange measure 2.5 by 2.5."

Just for future reference the U-joints in my driveshaft (first gen) are 1310s. So maybe the first gens have 1310s and they upgraded to 1330s for later generations? Granted I didn't have the most accurate measuring tool (a ruler) but the measurement came up just short of 3 1/4."
Wow - well thats very interesting! Thanks for the measurement!

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