Need Help No start with a used engine!!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need Help No start with a used engine!!!!


Well-Known Member
December 20, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Hagerstown MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 XLT 4x4 4dr
Ok here it goes..i work at a famiily owned call lot and we have this coustomer that came in and wanted us to do a engine swap in his 95 explorer 5spd..My boss didnt want to do it so i took on it as a side job. Well i have completed the swap but now it wont cranks strong but no start.

I have checked fuel at the rail and when i crank it,it gives me 35-40psi on cranking.

I have check spark with a spark plug tester at every plug and i got spark.

i hear the fuel pump kicking on when i turn the key.

after i got the engine in i nothiced some of the plugs were different so i went ahead and used the old harness for the one that plugs into the firewall with the new used engine, However i had to swap the cam sensor ove the one thats under the airintake over from the old one to the new use one..could that have caused something. i only swaped it over bec the one that came with the used engine had a different plug then the one on the old engine.i really need help i have tried just about everything.Please help

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I think you need to indicate what year the replacement engine is. If it wasn't the same, then your are likely looking at issues with the cabling and PCM.

usually when you swap engines (unless you're positive they came from the same year & model of vehicle) you only use the long block and switch everything else over from the old motor. there's no telling what's going on if the electronics differ between the old and new.

I am pretty sure they sent me the right year if not the right long block I switched over everything I needed to from the old one to the new one. I am not lack of missing connections everything pluged up like it needed to and since I used the old wireing harness and all the old compounds like the tps, iac,etc from the old one I can't seem to think that would be a would I match with the year the engine came from? If it does cone to where its a different year then can I find that yea pcm. and just swap it over? ease help

If its a computer problem would it be just as simple to swaping out computers. thank God the customer. is in no rush getting it back..

Are you sure you have fuel and spark at the proper times? Maybe crank position sensor or trigger wheel related? It's something to check anyway.. Also check to see if the injectors are pulsing a stethoscope or long screwdriver.

Have you tried to give it a good shot of ether to see if it fires?

Ok new update its run like a champ now.I went and played with the crank sensor and the sites were really tight so I ran them a different way and it started right up with a little starting fluid.

Thanks for the help from everyone of you guys. I learned a lot on this as it was my first real swap I am ready for other one..After all was said and spent I made a little profit..
