NEED HELP... whats wrong? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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NEED HELP... whats wrong?


November 2, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Ellensburg, Wa
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 XLT
Ok well i connected a cd player, amp and sub, i connected the stock speakers to the cd player and the amp to the cd player, and the sub to the amp, so everything i know for sure is wired right, i wired the speakers to the cd player by hand without a wiring harness... but anyways when i turn on the explorer just the sub plays,,, but soemtimes (about 1/5 of the times) all the speakers and the sub works like its spose to , anyone know whats wrong?

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Sounds like a bad ground or bad connection when you wired up the speakers. Why didn't you use a harness for them?

cause the people i orders it from sent me the wrong harness, and it would have taken a while longer. but i know now i hsould have waited... o well :confused:

you rewired to each speaker? could be a speaker grounding out
