need Power Inverter info please- | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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need Power Inverter info please-


Explorer Addict
November 30, 2000
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96 LTD, 96 XLT, & 98 XLT
I am looking into purchasing a power inverter. The main reason is to power my laptop with my GPS system.

I would also like to have enought power to run a 13" TV and a dvd player.......

and also I would like it portable.....

I wouldnt run the dvd, tv, and laptop all at once.... just the laptop OR the tv/dvd.....

I was looking at one the other day that was 350watts and plugged into the cig lighter.... this looks ideal to me but not sure if it would handle the job? I am not to up to date on inverters.... I know a few of you guys have them wired in.... so i would like to here from you. Is 350watts enough for not? it also has a 1100 watt surge protect i beleive.


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I was able to power a 13" TV and a VCR at the same time with my 300 watt inverter. You just need to look on the back of the DVD/ TV/ Comp and find out how much power they consume, then buy an appropriate size inverter.

Usually the packaging of the inverter will have a chart on it showing the amp draw of most appliances so you can purchase the appropriate inverter. As RD mentioned his 300w works so the 350 you looked at will do the job.

I'd just step up to 400 just to be sure. The 400s are still inexpensive while anything more starts to get pricey.

EDIT: What I'd do if you want it to remain portable: wire in your own cig lighter plug directly to the battery or a heavy circuit. You don't want your stock plug fried. This is just to be sure you're getting the most power and being safe....

i bought a 300w inverter from pep boys, and it plugs into the cig lighter, and i can run a 13inch TV and an xbox off of it at the same time. i would have to have the car running to make it work though (go figure). anything more than that and my heater came on for some reason on full blast and the thing made a horrible beeping noise.

The 300W should be OK, but the 400W is good insurance but it is a good idea to wire it to the battery with a fuse. At 300W it draws 32Amps from the battery, such that a 300W inverter is only about 150Watts since the cig lighter is only rated for about 15Amps if I remember correctly.

Turn in the TV first as it does consume a bit more power to start up as the other components do not.

Don't buy just any ole' cheapy. Make sure that it's one that has a modified sine wave and also has a regulated output to protect your PC from power spikes and fluctuations.
