Ciggarete lighter problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ciggarete lighter problem

general x

Hopeless addict
February 23, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Red Deer, Alberta
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 Ford Explorer Sport
Ok i found this weird

I plug a power inverter into my ciggarette lighter so i can ghetto rig a sub into my truck and the internal fuse pops and the inverter was never made to open so i had to make it open with plyers. After replacing the fuse i try again and it instantly blows the new fuse, Weird thing is that the inverter will work if i attach the inverter directly to the battery. I extended the wires going to my ciggarette lighter plug so it would go under my seat, would this cause it? :banghead:

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how many watts is the intervter? take this number, divide by 12, and thats how many amps are supposed to be running through the cable. Your stock cigarette lighter is made to handle a maximum of 6 amps, if memory serves me. if you have a small cable, like speaker wire, the resistence in the wire will limit the amount of power that you can run to it. I have a 300w inverter in my trunk, and I run 4gauge wire from the batter so that it has enough power. Due to the above equation, my setup requires 25 amps, MUCH more than the cigarette lighter can provide. power inverters are power hogs and the larger wire (properly fused no futher than 18" from the battery) is a neccisity, esp when running high power equipment.

it says 400 on it but i would think that if it came with a ciggarette lighter cable it should be able to run through it. Also its the inverters fuse thats breaking, not the trucks fuses and there isent a load on the inverter
The worst thing is my friend used the inverter for month with a similar setup (ghetto woofer) and he ran it through the cig lighter without problem


Thanx for help

it's always better to route an inverter directly. cig lighters just aren't meant to run large loads. if you had the second power point on the side of the console like the second gens that would be different.

hahaha does your cig lighter work?

i think the cig lighter works but i dont smoke and no one is allowed to smoke in my truck so that does me no good :rolleyes:

I think this problem may or may not have burnt out a small black and white tv i had plugged into my cig socket a while back, The TV just ceased to work and i though someone dropped it. Hmmmm

Im gunna run the inverter directly just to let yall know...I just wanna know whats up with my sig lighter socket. The dash fuse doesnt burn out or anything :banghead:

Day 6
My Cig lighter is sad:(
