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Power Inverter


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May 16, 2007
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98 sport
I just bought a 600watt peak power inverter for my laptop and other items and im trying to decide where to mount it where it is kinda hidden but yet still easily acessable when i need to get to it. my laptop is also used for my gps so it needs to be mounted where i can have my laptop up front. thanks guys hope you all can help and all idea's are welcomed

98 explorer sport

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I just bought a 600watt peak power inverter for my laptop and other items and im trying to decide where to mount it where it is kinda hidden but yet still easily acessable when i need to get to it. my laptop is also used for my gps so it needs to be mounted where i can have my laptop up front. thanks guys hope you all can help and all idea's are welcomed

98 explorer sport

Depending on the size and the ventilation needs of your inverter, there may be several options. On my 99 sport, I have a 1000watt right behind the rear speaker. You can see it when you open the jack access compartment (but a little further in) There's ample room there. It's been there for more than 3 years. I then run an "extension cord" from the outputs to a covered ac receptacle mounted beside the rear power doorlock switch (above the jack) and another one inside the center console. I also have a smaller 225w continous inverter inside my glove compartment sufficient to run a dremel or a soldering iron whenever needed. Always make sure you get good ventilation when the inverters are in use

I put mine in my glove box, all it powers is an external hard drive though and its a 90w. I have a on/off switch on the side of my console so it doesn't drain battery the 12v line.

ive got mine in the jack compartment (velcro is a GREAT invention) outlet is jb weld(ed) into the "compartment door" i only use to to charge cell phones and my ps2 which is in the cargo area. i also extended the wires to the switch, which is flush mounted into the upper part of the cupholder

just wanted to say thanks to everybodys great idea...i just ended up mounting it under the passanger front seat and have the wires wrapped and ran through the center console and tapped into the aux power.
