Need suggestions on driving lights | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need suggestions on driving lights

Hey guys, I'm looking for some driving lights to mount on top of my bumper that will really light up the backroads at night , what do you guys suggest? I have looked on Hella's website and have seen the Hella 500 lights at the local auto parts store....would they be a good choice? They seem to be a good buy at $65.Has anybody used or have any opinions on the optilux line that Hella makes?Thanks for all suggestions!

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ProComp 6" and KC 6" are really good, better than the Hella 500s I had.

I've got KC 6" SlimLite's with driving lens's with 130W bulbs on my bumper and then 5" Pro Comp fogs with 100W bulbs on my roof rack with this combo I can see just about EVERY daggum thing on/around the road! :D

Go to and look around at their lights. They have Eagle Eye lights which are basically interchangable with KC at less than half the price. I got black 130W ones. But they also carry stainless, sealed beam and what not like KC. I bought some KC stoneguards for them too.

Whatever you get be sure your bumper can handel the depth of the lights. Daylighters are 5 1/4" deep while the KC Slims are only 2.5 deep. However if I were you I would watch ebay for some used PIAAs like these:
I had some slim lights and am not putting them down because they put out a lot of light with a very good beam pattern but, the 80XT are about the best IMO.

Just wait til I post the pics of twin 6" KCs on my VW bumper :D

Pics soon cause I just installed the hood scoop :eek:

Thanks for the quick answers guys. I like the KC slimlites , what is the best online place to buy them ? I see central4wd has them for $149 a pair, is this a good price?
Hokie, do those fog lights work better on the roof rack than mounting on the bumper? i want to eventually get fogs also but didnt want my bumper cluttered with to many lights.

Fogs work better on the bumper or below.

Thanks Alec, I guess fogs will work good on each side of the license plate.

Originally posted by matt97
Thanks for the quick answers guys. I like the KC slimlites , what is the best online place to buy them ? I see central4wd has them for $149 a pair, is this a good price?
Hokie, do those fog lights work better on the roof rack than mounting on the bumper? i want to eventually get fogs also but didnt want my bumper cluttered with to many lights.

Best place to buy them? From KC themselves at

just got KC slimlites on my westin safari bar, look great, they are fogs, perfect position for them, just above the bumper, will get more for the rack in time, but the slims add so much lite, don't even need stock lamps, fogs cover enough ground, but still need them for laws, so can't get around it, oh well, look great, love them

i know the web site only says driving and long range ,but they carry all, i got my fogs at 150.
