Need tips on Aerostar work. | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need tips on Aerostar work.

Well, I got the gasket NAPA gave me, which is a pretty fair size. I'm thinking of using caulking on the bolts that way it better seals the bolts to the motor and help prevent movement on bumpy roads. We don't have an autozone :( the closest one is bout 30 miles or so away.

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Ok, so I didn't use caulking I figured the bolts should stay tight, I over do things sometimes lol. But anyway stuck the thermostat in and tightened that pipe to the motor put the serpentine back on and tried hooking up those other two coolant lines and they kept trying to leak antifreeze looks like the rubber gasket in them but I think its expected since it did sit for a long time and since it was an old couple they didn't go and start it one in a while. But anyway she sat and ran, she seems to run a little rough like it shakes some when getting on the throttle, I don't know what would cause that but I peered in and gas wasn't squirting all over like it did with the old FPR.

The only leak is those two coolant lines in the front, nothing major, nothing I have to tear anything apart to get to luckily :) lol. My mom needs to get some gas for it, it ran out Friday it did have 5gall in it but I guess the old FPR just spit most of that out. Since the coolant leak wasn't anything too bad we left the van sit and idle awhile and like I said it wasn't a very smooth idle it still had a little "put put" like you go to rev it some it doesn't sound like a normal rev and the gas must be almost burnt out of the exhaust because there was just a light color of white exhaust smoke Friday. I don't know if you know what coolant lines I mean or not but they're right beside each other and they're both clipped to two other coolant lines by plastic clips.

I don't see a pic there. The hoses are side by side.

The only tip i can give you is: RUN, RUN FAR AWAY! My dad bought an Aerostar new in 91. Great vehicle we miss it, it got totaled 2 years ago.

As you have found out though, they are a real pain to work on.

Good Luck,

Yeah....its a pain to work on, but will work out good for my mom with the space it has and I like it that its got the good ole 4.0 in'er. Next will probably be trying to change spark plugs :(.

Thanks to the info and help on this forum her van will be perfect running once the exhaust is done.
