New exploder! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New exploder!


Active Member
December 4, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Bend, OR
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 Limited '13 Sport
Hi all,

I just purchased a gorgeous white 2003 Explorer Eddie Bauer last night! 4x4, V8, tow package, 3rd seat, only 70k miles and original owner! Even has the rear seat dvd entertainment package.

Only downside is it needs a new AC compressor... but the price was right, so I'm not too upset about that. Might do it myself or take it somewhere else.

Anyway - just wanted to brag about the new ride! :)

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Congrats on the new ride!!!

Congratulations on the buy! What did you have before I see you've been a member for quite awhile.

My family had a '93 Limited when I was growing up - best car ever. Too bad my dad sold it before it could become my first car. My (ex) girlfriend had a 2000 Limited, which I used the forum to fix every once in awhile... need to change that avatar picture as soon as I get a new picture of this one!

But I've had a '95 Suburban (sold at 190k mi), '02 Trailblazer (sold at 155k mi), and just sold my '99 extended cab F150 4x4 (only 80k mi)...

I guess this is most similar to the trailblazer... but handles better and looks better... although I have to admit (probably shouldn't on a Ford forum), but the Trailblazer was incredibly reliable and a pretty good car... Don't worry - I like this one better though!

Sounds interesting, I was just curious :) good luck with your new truck.
