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New low...


Well-Known Member
February 24, 2011
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Holland Patent, NY
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I sunk to a new low tonight. I had to drive daughter to soccer (45 mins away) and didn't see a single X. Now I'm in Upstate NY so it's not Bay Area in CA (used to live there) with real traffic, but there are still plenty of cars, and not a single X sighting. Par for the course.

I play a game now, while looking for X - I try to count the different types of cars I see to see what I see the most of. It's hard, since I'm usually carrying on multiple discussions with kids and watching my driving, but a little part of me tries to keep track. Tonight the winners were - Ford Explorer (older models), Ford Taurus, Honda Pilot, and lots of Hyundais (I lump them and Kias together).

Anyways...the new low...

On my way back (stopping by Five Guys for burgers) I fell in behind an Edge Ltd in black. I consider these mini-X's because they have many of the same features and I find it hard to tell the difference (now I look at the grill if I can). This one really looked nice...large wheels, dual chrome tips, spoiler, LED tail lights (I assumed), etc. Anyways, as I'm checking it out and thinking of my X being built tomorrow, I started to see a little orange light every so often on side view mirrors. It took my a second to realize I was seeing the BLIS in action. For the next few blocks I kept an eye on it and every time a card entered the Edge's blind spot, it would go off. Then when the car moved past, the light would go off. It was pretty cool.

Then the Edge turned, and I was back to seeing more older Explorers, Taurus', Pilots, and Hyundai/Kias.


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I can go lower

i LIVE in the Bay Area (Martinez... where the Martini was invented), and I'm looking all the time.. Nada. I ordered 2/21. Lets face it, it's obviously a Middle America bias. ;)

Here in CT, I have only seen 1 "in the wild". Can't wait for mine to get here :)

I've actually been surprised by how many new Ex'es I've seen driving around... Granted, "many" = 3. This has been since the middle of Jan, when I bought mine. I've seen two of them while driving on the freeway (both in the opposite direction - I probably shouldn't admit to this, but I'm constantly scanning cars in the opposite direction, in case something cool drives by...) and one in town. I wasn't too happy by the intruder on "my turf" but he hasn't been seen since, so maybe it was just a visitor. All in all, I feel so trendy in my new, hard to find Ex! :)

Ever since I got mine, I keep an eye out for other new X'es on the road. Until last week, I've seen a total of 4, and the three of them we acknowledged each other with a wave or a honk ;)

But this week has been different. I saw two of them parked in my office parking lot. Until then it was just me, and now I have a license plate and the others are still temporary permit. Guess age is catching up :D

I've still yet to see anything other than the one I'm driving in the Milwaukee Metro area.

Can't be the cool, unique kid forever... :D

I'm in CT..have not seen any in our state(except the one that has been sitting at the local dealers since Jan). The only one I saw was when driving through Rhode Island.
Can't wait for mine to get here next month!

You might be in luck to see an X in New York, I'm going on a road trip there this weekend. =)

There are many in new york, i live in jersey city and i've see many of them. But mines is the nicest!!! Lol no they are all nice !
