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August 31, 2022
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68 Mustang Coupe
Hello I am a new member I use to own a 03 mustang mach 1 but sadly had to sell but I still own my 68 mustang

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Hello I am a new member I use to own a 03 mustang mach 1 but sadly had to sell but I still own my 68 mustangView attachment 433890
welcome to EF!!!! those are some nice stangs!!! someday, my goal is to own something similiar to the 68!

Man, those ain't bad, definitely like the '68 more. I'd love to have me a late 60s, early 70s mach 1, suckers were so nice! Welcome to the forums!

Thak you I'm still Working on the 68 switching it from an automatic to a T5 manual.
Oh there ya go! Manuals are always more fun lol

Man, those ain't bad, definitely like the '68 more. I'd love to have me a late 60s, early 70s mach 1, suckers were so nice! Welcome to the forums!
Yeah, I love the old Mach 1s a friend had a 70 mach 1 and it was so fun.

Yeah, I love the old Mach 1s a friend had a 70 mach 1 and it was so fun.
Oh I bet! Wish I could say I've sat in one, just seen 'em and heard 'em at car shows around

Welcome. Nice Mustangs. I had a 68 GT Coupe that looked almost the way your 68 is.

Welcome to Explorer Forum from another Mustang fan.
