New Transmission, now what? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New Transmission, now what?


Well-Known Member
January 29, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Potomac, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 EB
Ok not new but remanufactured. Anyways, my 2002 has 120k on it, and i am looking at a bill of around 3 grand. I figure my options are...

1. Dont fix and junk it. (not a good option as the truck is in very good condition)

2. Fix and continue to drive it.

3. Fix and sell it while it still has value instead of driving up the miles and risking something else goes wrong.

What would you do???

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It can be repaired, but i was told it would just about equal the cost of a remanufactured one. I may be gullable but i believe them. It is one of the more reputable shops around, and they have been family friends for 10 years.

It probably didnt help the tranny any that when it started to go i was on the way home from a beach weekend and drove almost 100 miles with it whining and screetching like hell. But what whas i going to do in the middle of nowhere on a sunday night lol. Wouldnt leave the driveway the next morning.

There are some reputable on-line retailers with $1,000-$1,200 rebuilds, maybe you can coax a local bunch of EF folks to turn wrenches for pizza and sodas? In this economy, the last thing I want to do is toss a useable vehicle in exchange for another car payment!

P/N: 7000 Auto Transmission Assy 5R44E/5R55E - 5 Speed Auto Trans ; 4WD; 1L5P-D* $2,506.67 and you pick it up at the dealership?
Hmmm... Not bad for new.

Pretty much. You show the cash and they order it - I am certain that the dealer would deliver it to your house though - I know mine would.

The other costs with that though are you have to consider that if you are gonna bite the bullet and pop a new trans in you really need to replace the RAD and the TC. The reason is that the contaminates in the lines, trans cooler and TC will just end up right back in the new trans (basically giving it a death sentence) I am pretty sure that you can bring the TC in and have it cleaned with the Ford Rotunda Cleaning device, Not sure about the Cooler. You can probably flush it yourself at home. Just some thoughts to help you out.
