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IMO get those headlights above, but go with the clear corners.

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Clear corners. Cragar soft 8 rims.... BLACK! :D Theyre a reasonable price and look awesome. And then get some at's or mudders

thanks for the input guys, przybysz Im going all black, but im going with the lowered look rather and lifted :( yah Im one of those guys

Hey man whatever you like. Its your X, so do what you think is best. I can't wait to see how it turns out. :thumbsup:

My opinion, is go with the black out, but do black rims with polished surface, kind of like this:

Thats my 2 cents though

Those rims look pretty sleek.. I like them... What's the make/model?

some just updated picturess




Last time these will be on for the summer getting the rims on next week


The new rimss just waiting on tires and ringss


Ckmieciak how did you tint your tails?

nice x we cant have tinted windows in the front windows here in cali and if u do you get a big fine

love my tints,, just have to roll down the windows at night time lol

nice x we cant have tinted windows in the front windows here in cali and if u do you get a big fine

sorry to hijack the thread but ....

as ckmieciak can confirm in ny you cant have them tinted either but it happens...


  • waxed ex front drivers side.jpg
    waxed ex front drivers side.jpg
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Cali is big on that. Depends on how **** the law enforcement is in your area. My area you won't ever get pulled over for tint being too dark unless you were pulled over for something else it would just add on to that.

good point..
Like i tell everyone who asks me dont i get pulled over for 5% tints?

You dont get pulled over for them unless you are doing something wrong. Although it is something to just slap on when u get pulled over for something else.

I have had 5% on both my cars for the pass 3 years never been pulled over for the window tints. just my tail light tint

I've yet to been pulled over for my tail lights which are about as dark as yours and really isn't even that dark. At night you can't even tell they are tinted. Only time I had somebody say something was going on base and the contracted Cop was saying blackouts are illegal on base so you "may" get pulled over. Never did.

now that we're having this conversation we're all getting screwed tomorrow (knocking on wood)....never got pulled over for my tail lights just for my front windshield being tinted...i was doing 70 on the highway going north and a highway cop pulled me over saying that he saw the tint and couldnt see through it...nothing about tails...:thumbsup:

LOL! How dark is the wind shield. I thought about getting like 20-30% done nothing too dark.

my friend has 20% on his front windshield.. That was just way to dark to even see during the day..
I currently have nothing on my front windshield. I wanted to put the 5% strip but with my alarm being installed behind the mirror it looked bad with the big cutout in the middle so took it off.

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LOL! How dark is the wind shield. I thought about getting like 20-30% done nothing too dark.

i have 35%...and its hid fogs and hid projector headlights look like reg halogen lights at night...front windows are 15%...the rest of the rear windows were factory tinted and i put another 5% limo on top of theyre darker than limo...cant see in when the sun is out... :thumbsup:
