Newer Tranny - 01 OHV into a 97 SOHC | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Newer Tranny - 01 OHV into a 97 SOHC

SBK Henry

February 7, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Houston, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 SOHC Sport
I have a 97 SOHC and have an 01 OHV Tranny...

Both are six cylinders / Both are auto...

Beyond this how can I find out what tranny's both of these are? Are there markings? Or (fingers crossed) was there pretty much just one tranny for six cylinder engines from 95-01?

Could really use some help in determining if I have something I can use before I tow my '97 to the shop.

Many humble thanks for any help...

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The SOHC came with a 5spd automatic the OHV had 4speed automatic

The SOHC came with a 5spd automatic the OHV had 4speed automatic

ah roger that...

was there more than one tranny for the 97 4.0 sohc? (just making sure)

which tranny do i have then?

97+ V6's should be the 5R55E tranny. 97 was the first year for the SOHC and the OHV was discontinued in 01. It should work just fine for you. Not sure if the 97 OHV used the 5 speed or not, but considering it is an 01, you should be fine.


This is the tranny model that was only auto tranny available with the SOHC "5R55E" This tranny came in the OHV "4R55E"

My 98 4.0 OHV sport came with the 5 speed, 5R55E tranny. It is sitting in my driveway at the moment. That tranny from the 01 will work. Here is a link from the site for specs on the 98, notice how there is no 4R44e or 4R55E tranny listed, only the 4R70W for the V8 model.


i don't know which tranny the '01 has - i just know that it's from an '01 4.0 ohv...

hmmm... ok another noob question here...

does the tranny have what model it is stamped on it somewhere?

Have no idea about a stamping, I would image there would be a stamp on top of the tranny or on the side to the top and. I agree with Dan, it should work.

Starting in 97, when the SOHC was introduced, both V6's got the 5R55E. There was a 5 speed manual option, but was rare, and the V8 only got the 4R70W.


This is the tranny model that was only auto tranny available with the SOHC "5R55E" This tranny came in the OHV "4R55E"

I got this info from the 97 explorer Specs page, but even so if they used the 5speed in 98 then 95-97 OHV's should also be able to use that tranny, its the same engine block anyway.

My mistake, 97 might have had both trannies and 98 they went to the 5 speed across the board.


thanks everyone for their time/responses...

i think i'm going to try putting the '01 tranny in it...

many thanks again...

i'm just worried about the electronics and it functioning correctly... bolt up issues aside...

Well you have a sohc motor, and that motor came with the 5speed tranny, and your bolting up another 5spd tranny the only differences we're aware of is that the tranny is from an 01 OHV instead of a SOHC. Do you currently have the transmission out of your 97 yet? because if you do then you can look at the plugs to see if they're identical if not, then you could get a manual and cut the harness off your current tranny and wire it up correctly to the 01 tranny. (thats what I would do if the harness plugs arent the same, just remember you need a manual so you can have it done correctly).

UPDATE: Swap failed. :roll: :(

My 97 SOHC had two additional sensors on top of the tranny that were not visible while viewing the tranny from underneath while still in the vehicle.

When we pulled it out - there were two more sensors, one on top of the extension housing and one on top of the bell housing.

According to the parts list, the 97 SOHC tranny had a Turbine Shaft, Output Shaft and Basic Speed Sensors. As I didn't buy the electrical diags from Ford I couldn't tell exactly what they were. However I can say that the 01 OHV 5R55E does not have those two sensor outputs on the top.

I thought about swapping the extension housing, and leaving the front one at the top of the bell housing disconnected. But didn't know how that would affect things - particularly if the speedo wouldn't work. So I hit abort and picked up another tranny w/60k on it.

Expect to see an '01 OHV 5R55E in mint condition with 300 miles on it for sale pretty soon here.

Thanks all again for your help! :thumbsup:

Sorry to hear it didn't work out for ya.
