no 4w LOW | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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no 4w LOW


Well-Known Member
December 2, 2002
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City, State
dallas, Tx
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 eddie bauer 4X4
ok guys i went out to the meet this past sunday.. and i cant get the truck into 4w low it goes into 4wd hi but no low... so i had 2 do everything in 1st gear not a good thing..... now how can i go about diagnosing this..... did a search but it was for an inop 4wd not just low... can some one help me out here ? thanks

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It could be the shift motor. Also are you putting it in neutral and putting your foot on the brake when you're shifting into 4wd low? I'd try pulling the shift motor off and seeing if you can shift the t-case into 4lo with a pair of pliers and also check and much sure the shift motor is functioning properly while you have it off.

cool i think i am gonna try that tomarrow.... i also heard there was a self test mode on the board(control box) in the back? is this true and if so how do u test it.....

Also try flushing the fluid in there and replacing it with some synthetic ATF like Mobil 1.

ok i figured out what it was... my neutral saftey switch is not aligned correctly.... was at work last night looking the tranny over... and i locked the hubs, put it in neutral, put it in 4wd high, then tryied low... didnt work, moved the shifter towards reverse... and BAM 4W low :) now where the hell is this switch.... in the colum? or on the tranny?

That happens in my 99 sometimes too. When the shift motor is going out, I think it shifts partially into 4Low, and dropping into a gear decreases the resistance on the spindle breifly, so the motor finishes the shift. Anyways, mabey I wrong... ;)
