No air flow from front vents | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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No air flow from front vents


New Member
September 10, 2013
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Murfreesboro, Tn
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Ford Explorer
I am new to the forum so I appreciate any help I can get...I have a 2000 Ford Explorer and this morning on my way to work the air flow from the front vents quit...the rear air was still flowing strong...any ideas waht could cause this?

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I'm not sure...there is absolutly no air flow from the dash vents...but there is from the rear air vents...I believe there are two seperate blower motors for the front and rear air.

I'm not sure...there is absolutly no air flow from the dash vents...but there is from the rear air vents...I believe there are two seperate blower motors for the front and rear air.
There is a separate blower for the back...
Turn the car off but leave it on the position and turn the fan on high and cycle it on and off to see if you hear the motor come on and off...

I'll check that when I get home...I'll let you know what it does...I appreciate your help.

Would it be the relay possibly if the motor does not turn on?

if the front fan does run, is it blowing the air out of the defrost vents? if so you probably have a vacuum leak and, from my experience, it doesn't take much of a leak for this to happen.

I believe the blower motor is bad, I hit the duct work under the dash and the motor starting running I guess I'll need to replace the motor...
