No Brake pressure after bleeding brakes, help! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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No Brake pressure after bleeding brakes, help!


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Oceanside, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Eddie Bauer 5.0
I don't understand...we put new pads on all 4 tires yesterday, installed the lift etc.

When I would drive the truck, the brakes would feel fine, but out of nowhere the pedal would just drop to the floor when trying to stop, then it would seem to build pressure again. So today I bled all 4 brakes, filled the master cylinder back up with fluid, and it is still doing the same thing.

On top of that, now my "brake" light on the dashboard is intermittenly going on and off, not sure what is happening. Brakes seem to go soft when rolling downhill, and they feel OK when going uphill. Seems to be at random.

Any help would be appreciated.

For reference, we installed spindles yesterday and we removed and reinstalled the pads, and this all started happening after the suspension install yesterday.


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You installed a lift?

Did you install Extended Brake lines?

You COULD have damaged the lines by straining them and pulling them apart...


I agree with him ^

Are you sure you properly bled the brakes? How to vid in the link in my signature. It is a closed system so either there is a leak or you arent bleeding them correctly.

You installed a lift?

Did you install Extended Brake lines?

You COULD have damaged the lines by straining them and pulling them apart...


No extended brake lines, all I did was disconnect the mounting bracket off the spindle and left it loose, as it didn't stretch while the mount was attached

But does it stretch with suspension articulation?


No, as long as it is disconnected it had slack in it even when the truck was up on jackstands

Does it have slack in ALL suspension positions? Turn the wheell side to side, and cycle the suspension.


If you aren't losing fluid anywhere, then your master cylinder is shot.

After attempting to bleed my brakes again last night, (which I didnt do it according to the video), I am now getting the "BRAKE" red light on the dashboard, but it goes off each time I press the brake pedal? When Im not pressing the brake pedal then the light is on.

Today for example, I ran my truck around the block to see how the brakes felt again. They felt normal for the first mile or so, then sure enough when I tried to stop the pedal just went mush. I pumped the brake a few times and then it felt fine again. Seems to happen less intermittenly now, possibly because I have been working the air out of the system.

This all started happening after I used a caliper press to push the pistons back. I did this on all 4 calipers the other day, and I have had these problems ever since.

U need to bleed ur brakes from passenger side rearto drivers Sid rear to pass side front to driver side front. Had thesame prob
