"Not" overheating | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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"Not" overheating


September 7, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Anchorage AK
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 4X4 XL
94 X 4.0 with auto tranny.

I hear a lot about overheating. In my case, I have neve had the temperature needle even up to half way mark. I think I'd have to run with extremely low coolant to ever get it hot.

Car was purchased slightly used in Arizona. Is it possible I have a special cooling system, heavy duty? How can I tell? Many thanks.

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I bought my Navajo used, with 156K, the only time the needle has gone remotely close to the half was when the upper radiator hose sprung a leak. By the way, it's from AZ too.

It's possible your thermostat is stuck open. I'd try and replace it. They run better when the thermostat functions correctly.

My trucks runs surprisingly well considering age, and my abuse.

Staying below half is ok and perfectly normal. About 1/3 from "C" is about perfect.

Thanks for the info. Probably should have mentioned I live in Alaska.

The car makes decent heat, but I considered replacing the 192 stock stat with a hotter one. A mechanic friend of mine talked me out of putting in a higher temp stat advising that any overheating was a sure way to crack the heads on the 1st generation Xs.
