Not starting when I try to turn it over | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Not starting when I try to turn it over

So i went under my dash and traced the wire to this black box with a bunch of other wires connected to it and the wire that the button was connected to was connected to the blue as shown in this picture

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If you can get any label plate data off of it you might be able to do a google search and come up with an owners manual/installation manual/wiring diagram. To figure out how it is supposed to work and probably how to remove the entire thing.

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If you can get any label plate data off of it you might be able to do a google search and come up with an owners manual/installation manual/wiring diagram. To figure out how it is supposed to work and probably how to remove the entire thing.
That would definitely be nice, but I wouldn't hold my breath. To the best of my knowledge these boxes just interrupt the ignition, fuel pump, or starter wires - perhaps more than one of those. These should be spliced back to the original factory connection. A schematic for the O/Ps 97 Sport would be helpful to identify them, but someone with a bit of auto electricity experience should be able to figure this out even without the schematic. All the rest of the jungle of wires going to this box should be just cut off and insulated, and the whole thing tossed in the trash.
By the way, that's what I did after finding one of those in my '98 when I bought it. The stupid thing was wired to disable the starter. The original owner was probably sweet-talked by the dealer to install it (what's the extra couple hundred bucks compared to the $36,510 MSRP?) and not even told that the vehicle had PATS -- which was a new feature back then.

That would definitely be nice, but I wouldn't hold my breath. To the best of my knowledge these boxes just interrupt the ignition, fuel pump, or starter wires - perhaps more than one of those. These should be spliced back to the original factory connection. A schematic for the O/Ps 97 Sport would be helpful to identify them, but someone with a bit of auto electricity experience should be able to figure this out even without the schematic. All the rest of the jungle of wires going to this box should be just cut off and insulated, and the whole thing tossed in the trash.
By the way, that's what I did after finding one of those in my '98 when I bought it. The stupid thing was wired to disable the starter. The original owner was probably sweet-talked by the dealer to install it (what's the extra couple hundred bucks compared to the $36,510 MSRP?) and not even told that the vehicle had PATS -- which was a new feature back then.
Interesting well looking at the back of the box it says it has connections to my door ignition ect and it still has a price tag and everything

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and not to mention when i just put my key in i have all these lights on


When you first turn the key on all the lights should come on, then go out. I’d entirely remove that junk.

When you first turn the key on all the lights should come on, then go out. I’d entirely remove that junk.
The funny thing is that the lights just stay on and lets see what that does

Disconnected the black box entirely and found that it was a computer lookin thing and i still have no start, to my understanding even before this all started happening it was fine but in August/ September of this year it started not starting so im not sure what happened along the way cause in previous months before it started fine and even drove



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So with all that's been said my guess would be that unit is the culprit, is now malfunctioning, so back to getting oem wiring diagram and re-routing critical wires back to factory layout.

That unit breaks an important circuit. It needs to be removed and the wiring put back the way it was. A “security” device would be pretty poor if you could just unplug it to delete it.

You seem surprised there was a circuit board in there. What did you think was going to be in there?

You might be able to find another unit, just plug it in and go. I’d toss the model name or number into eBay.

Otherwise you’re going to be in for some wire restoration.

Well … the aftermarket “immobilizer” works …. You are fully immobile.

Trash it.

Good luck.
