not sure what it could be (ignition switch?) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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not sure what it could be (ignition switch?)

ford truck man

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August 20, 2011
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2002 ford explorer sport
I have a 2002 Explorer Sport and last week when I tried to start the vehicle the starter would just click repeatedly. I had the battery and starter tested and they are fine. The cables are clean and tight. Could this be the ignition switch? Or is there something I am possibly missing? Any help would be appreciated.

Now when I turn the key I get nothing at all, no clicks. I can't even get the radio or wipers to come on with the key engaged.

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what do you see if you turn the headlights on...normal brightness or something else? If they are something less then normal brightness (assuming a full charge on the battery), then your only 2 choices are a bad ground or a bad battery.

This is my fiance's Explorer so I'm having difficulty trying to determine if the headlights look normal (bless her heart but she doesn't know). To me they look fine. I have already checked all fuses as well as the power distribution box and no luck. I just don't understand what the issue could be. I have checked all connections and grounds and retightened all. Man I am running out of things to look for with my limited knowledge.

You could have a problem with the starter solenoid. Follow the battery positive cable back to it. If you don't have a ohm meter, it'll be pretty hard to test it, but it's not terribly expensive.

it's the battery cables, they corrode from the inside out, boost it, see if it starts.

That tells me the ignition switch, the one on top of the steering column, not the lock cylinder, is bad.
