Nothing For 2nd Gen!!!!! | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Nothing For 2nd Gen!!!!!

I found a shop willing to make a front, rear bumper and a roof rack up for me. I am putting together my drawings now. The reason for this is that very little is available for the Explorers, as you all have said.

Just as well though. The stuff available is nice, but expensive and the shipping is murder. My question is...does anyone know where I can get End Caps for round tubing in a 3" diameter (OD, not sure the ID)?

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Make 'em!

Also, not a lot of people have the money to get a 95+ vehicle and trash it offroading.

007, your comment is really pointless, and if you've seen this board more than once you know there are many 2000+ model year explorers on the trails all the time.

I bought my '96 in 2002 for $10000, it's almost 10 years old. It's been my daily driver since purchase, and been VERY well maintained. It has also been in the woods many times. It's not been trashed one bit. There are some scratches, but I've received worse in parking lots.

Hell, your's is only a 94. Does that one year make a difference? Is that the official "too new" cutoff for vehicles to be offroaded? There are boatloads of offroad goodies for many 2005 model year trucks. That was the main point of my original post.

Just as well though. The stuff available is nice, but expensive and the shipping is murder. My question is...does anyone know where I can get End Caps for round tubing in a 3" diameter (OD, not sure the ID)?[/QUOT

I read in an off-road mag. that you can go to a fencing co. and that they use various size steel round balls. Cut in half and weld to bumper.

rookieshooter said:
Just as well though. The stuff available is nice, but expensive and the shipping is murder. My question is...does anyone know where I can get End Caps for round tubing in a 3" diameter (OD, not sure the ID)?[/QUOT

I read in an off-road mag. that you can go to a fencing co. and that they use various size steel round balls. Cut in half and weld to bumper.

Just cut some flat stock and weld it on, that's what i would do.

As far as 95+ explorers being expensive, theyre getting cheaper everyday. I bought my 97 explorer almost 3 years ago for 6000. I regularly see 95-97 explorers going for around 3,4,5k thousand dollars. At that price that's with in the range for alot of people to buy one as a trail rig and wheel it.

yeah my 96 was $2500 w/108,000 mi. from a local dealer w/bad front wheel bearing, and brake rotor so i junked the control trac and put in a bw 1354 t-case and try to go wheelin every weekend, and i don't know about ya'll but im glad theres not that many other off road built explorers,if chevy built the zr2 blazer, i guess its up to us to build the off road explorers!


mine was free given to me with a blowen head gaskit the costomer did not want to fix it :thumbsup:

im in love with my 01 explorer! i drive it in the mountains more than i do on road! and i know this is just opinion.. but i like the 2nd gen more than the 1st gen... mod wise!
