Odd Engine Noise (Video Attached) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Odd Engine Noise (Video Attached)


Explorer Addict
December 1, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Columbus, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 XLT V8
My Explorer starting making this rather bad sounding noise recently, and I need help figuring out what it is. Hopefully someone can tell something from the video.


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Does the noise sound like its comming from the engine or transmission? Its hard to tell from the video. What does the noise do with rpm? If it is the engine your profile says you have a v8 is that correct?

I dont know what could be making the noise just that it doesent sound good. The questions i ask may help others or give me an area to focus on.

Does the noise sound like its comming from the engine or transmission? Its hard to tell from the video. What does the noise do with rpm? If it is the engine your profile says you have a v8 is that correct?

I dont know what could be making the noise just that it doesent sound good. The questions i ask may help others or give me an area to focus on.
Good questions. The noise sounds like it's either coming from the bottom rear of the engine or the transmission (though only part of the torque converter should be moving at idle I would think). It's a good bit quieter when you listen from the top of the engine. It makes the noise about 30 seconds or so after a cold start-up while idling, and makes the noise while accelerating and seems to get quieter once you get to a higher RPM. It is the V8, and it has about 168,000 miles.

Well I did some researching because I remember reading about a similer knocking noise on a v8. I could not find the exact post but it came to the conclusion of being the flex plate bolts were loose causing a knocking noise. I actually found a video of a v8 mountaineer with the loose flex plate bolts and it sounds very similer to the video you posted.

This may be a place to start.

Well I did some researching because I remember reading about a similer knocking noise on a v8. I could not find the exact post but it came to the conclusion of being the flex plate bolts were loose causing a knocking noise. I actually found a video of a v8 mountaineer with the loose flex plate bolts and it sounds very similer to the video you posted.

This may be a place to start.

That does indeed sound similar. Thanks!
