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Off-Road Light Questions


Explorer Addict
September 4, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
St. Petersburg, Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Explorer Eddie Bauer
Shopping for 6 offroad lights to attach to the roof basket I'm building. 4 facing forward and 2 facing the rear for back-up lights. I'm thinking small rectangular lights in the rear and 5 inch lights in the front. I've already ordered a 12v remote to turn them on seperately.

What would be a good wattage for the forward/rear lights? I don't want them to be TOO bright :cool:, just bright enough to do their job. Also any recommendations on a particular light? Let's not remortgage my house to buy them, I'd like to stay around a few hundred dollars. Also any pictures with ideas would be great. Thanks!

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With HID's don't I need ballasts?

Yeah you'll need a ballast for them to work right

I used all pro-comp 5inch 55 watt round lights (combination of flood and spot beams) on mine. You can see them mounted in my registry, but don't think I have pictures with them on. They were plenty bright (and I have really bad low-light vision) and are cheap. I've still got two off the explorer mounted on the samurai.

how bout something like these you can always change to hids down the line easily




I have two 55W aux lights on my bull bar and there not really noticeable you can tell there on but, I definatly should have went with the 100W. Just my two cents.

hey fedyfedz, do your lights glare off your hood at all with that location of lights? or does the aftermarket thing on your sunroof block light at all?

hey fedyfedz, do your lights glare off your hood at all with that location of lights? or does the aftermarket thing on your sunroof block light at all?

no glare on the hood and im assuming the sunroof thing block it slightly and when i have the sunroof opened and turn them on it lights up the inside of the truck so i just close the sunroof shade. they light up alot on the sides and all over there pretty spot on I aimed them as well with the other lights
