Off Road mods? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Off Road mods?


Active Member
June 10, 2008
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Fes, Morocco
Year, Model & Trim Level
I've just bought a '98 Explorer 4.0. It's a UK spec car.

I'm planning to use it as a replacement for my old Land Rover Discovery in Morocco.

I know the Explorer doesn't have the off road capability of the LR, but are there any mild modifications that might be sensible?

Local conditions include very heavy dust, rough rocky trails and deep sand.

Any suggestions welcome!

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Lift, tires, gears, and lockers

Aussie lockers front and rear (roughly $500 total parts), regear (spendy $1000-1200 parts and labor), body lift (roughly $300 parts). Disconnect the sway bars offroad for better articulation.
If you are on a budget, 31's fit stock, buy a rear aussie locker or lockrite, longer shackles in the rear and disconnect the swaybars, it will do surprisingly well.


Thanks very much! Yes, I'm on a budget, so those tips particularly appreciated.

Relocate the air intake point. It is behind the right headlight and it sucks.

Yes, I noticed that.

On the Landrovers everyone uses a high level snorkel intake, to keep it out of the heavy dust as much as out of deep water.

I haven't seen anything like this for the Explorer, yet.

To my knowledge noone makes a kit for us, but some members have been able to fab one up. Search for snorkel on the forums and you will get some good ideas from other posts, as well as all other types of mods
