Oil change in the wilderness | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Oil change in the wilderness


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June 11, 2018
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Boston, MA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2018 Explorer Sport
Hi all,

We just hit 10’200 miles with our 2018 Ford Explorer (we’re on a multi-month road trip) - and an oil change is due.

We are currently in the middle of nowhere in British Colombia. I see three options:

  1. We drive another 600 miles to the next bigger town and do the oil change there (around 11’000 miles).
  2. We drive another 300 miles to another town which is technically not on our way (we’d just drive there to get the oil change done).
  3. We try to do it here, but the auto shop in this tiny village probably hasn’t seen any 2018 vehicles ;)

What shall we do? I am leaning towards option 1.



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Option 3, IMHO. Assuming they have the correct oil filter. There is nothing complicated about an oil change on the explorer.

I'd likely go with option 3 first. At least have them take a look at it anyway. They will probably have to remove the lower air intake first. What does your Intelligent Oil Life Monitor read? Will this be the vehicle's first oil change?


How many mile since the previous oil change?

If this is the first change, I think I'd go option 3 (filter has been around and is somewhat common), then 2.

If you already did a change within the last 5-6K, I would opt for whatever option is most convenient (3 or 1).

Don't forget option 4 - change your oil on a schedule that works for you, rather than waiting for a specific mileage/time/indicator from your vehicle. And, option 5 - bring along your own filter and oil and change it yourself, or to at least ensure you have the necessary parts handy if you need to have someone else do it for you and you think you might find yourself in a very rural area with limited options.

Option 1, the IOLM is very conservative.. 600 miles will not do any harm. Many oil analysis have been done and proven 10k still has plenty of protection left to the oil life. I would reset the warning and as soon as you get it done, reset it again.

Option 1, the IOLM is very conservative.. 600 miles will not do any harm. Many oil analysis have been done and proven 10k still has plenty of protection left to the oil life. I would reset the warning and as soon as you get it done, reset it again.
Don't forget that many manufacturers (Ford included) say that it is normal for a vehicle to consume up to 1 qt of oil every 1000-1200 miles, with a few (BMW, Audi) saying 1 qt every 600-700 miles is acceptable/normal.

For those running 10K mile OCIs, I hope someone is checking the oil level regularly (or irregularly) throughout that time.

As Peter posted, what does the iOLM show?

Don't forget that many manufacturers (Ford included) say that it is normal for a vehicle to consume up to 1 qt of oil every 1000-1200 miles, with a few (BMW, Audi) saying 1 qt every 600-700 miles is acceptable/normal.

For those running 10K mile OCIs, I hope someone is checking the oil level regularly (or irregularly) throughout that time.

Where in Ford's manual does it say this is normal? On a 10k IOLM I would have 0.2 quarts of oil left in the engine based on qhat they say is "normal". Sorry, never heard this before nor qould I ever agree with it. You should not burn much oil at all. In my diesel, I burn about a quart over a 7,500 mile change but diesels are very different.. never had an issue with gas engines in any of my vehicles (burning oil).

I don't think the 600 miles will kill you.

I've done the Blackstone oil analysis personally and found there was definitely another 2-3k life left in my oil.

Thanks all!

After 10100 miles we’re at 2% now. Oil level is at the minimum right now, so we just added a quart.

Looks like we’ll make it another 300ish miles or so (still debating between option 1 and 2). Guess what, the local shop is already closed for the weekend. And yes, bad planning on our side. It’s just a little tricky up here in Alaska / YT / BC.

Where in Ford's manual does it say this is normal? On a 10k IOLM I would have 0.2 quarts of oil left in the engine based on qhat they say is "normal". Sorry, never heard this before nor qould I ever agree with it. You should not burn much oil at all. In my diesel, I burn about a quart over a 7,500 mile change but diesels are very different.. never had an issue with gas engines in any of my vehicles (burning oil).
I didn't say every engine would do that, just that it is what many manufacturers consider normal oil consumption. I think some of you guys may need to get out more... ;-). This has been pretty common knowledge and discussed ad nauseum as there are some vehicles (BMW and Audi) it affects significantly and owners are not happy. I believe there have been a few class action lawsuits over it also.

Just one article, but there are many others.


Ask your manufacturer or service
advisor for specific details about your vehicle.

Most of my vehicles typically use less than a quart every 5-6k miles.

The point was more to check your oil level regularly, especially if you want to run 10k oci. If you have an engine that does consume some oil, it wouldn't be ideal to find out it is several quarts low at the 10k mile mark...

I didn't say every engine would do that, just that it is what many manufacturers consider normal oil consumption. I think some of you guys may need to get out more... ;-). This has been pretty common knowledge and discussed ad nauseum as there are some vehicles (BMW and Audi) it affects significantly and owners are not happy. I believe there have been a few class action lawsuits over it also.

Just one article, but there are many others.


Ask your manufacturer or service
advisor for specific details about your vehicle.

Most of my vehicles typically use less than a quart every 5-6k miles.

The point was more to check your oil level regularly, especially if you want to run 10k oci. If you have an engine that does consume some oil, it wouldn't be ideal to find out it is several quarts low at the 10k mile mark...

Sorry but this is a very bold statement

"Don't forget that many manufacturers(Ford included) say that it is normal for a vehicle to consume up to 1 qt of oil every 1000-1200 miles"

So that is why I am asking where does Ford say that it is normal to burn a quart every 1-2k?

It's not a bold statement. Google it and see what others have reported. Go to your service advisor and ask them what Ford considers normal oil consumption and they will probably tell you that 1 qt every 1-2k miles is considered "acceptable". Real world, most people will probably see up to a quart consumed every 5-6k.

Do I need to get a notarized statement for you? :)

I have to agree with KayGee if you go ask the service advisor at your local Ford store, they WILL tell you that a qt every 1-2k miles is perfectly OK. Don’t believe all us know-nothings? PLEASE go ask for yourself. BTW, GM will tell you the same, and so will Fiat.

Back in 2002 I had a new 3500 GMC with a 6.0 Liter and it used a quart every 6-800 miles and Gm said it was normal.

Made the oil change happen yesterday (plus a tire rotation).

Our oil level was at the bare minimum after 10k miles.

It's not a bold statement. Google it and see what others have reported. Go to your service advisor and ask them what Ford considers normal oil consumption and they will probably tell you that 1 qt every 1-2k miles is considered "acceptable". Real world, most people will probably see up to a quart consumed every 5-6k.

Do I need to get a notarized statement for you? :)

A service advisor saying this is not Ford saying this.

While oil burning is a relatively common problem, manufacturers don't provide uniform guidance on this issue, so what might be normal for one engine could be excessive for another. For example, BMW tells owners it's normal for some of its engines to burn a quart of oil in fewer than a thousand miles. In a tip sheet to fleet-vehicle operators, GM says normal consumption "can be in the range of one quart within 2,000 miles on a properly driven and maintained vehicle." Other manufacturers say nothing in their owner's manuals about oil consumption — and if you ask what's "normal," the answer you get may depend on whom you talk to.

As a rule, most engines with fewer than 50,000 miles shouldn't use much more than a quart of oil between oil changes (unless the manufacturer says differently). If an engine requires a quart every, say, 3,000 miles or less, that could be a sign of a leak (which may not be easily visible) or of internal engine problems, such as worn valve guides, piston rings or any of a number of different types of seals. Once an engine gets beyond perhaps 75,000 miles, and certainly past 100,000, increased oil consumption should be expected.

In addition, many newer engines use thinner, lower-viscosity oil, such as 5W20 or 0W20 instead of, say, 10W30. Because these oils are thinner, it's easier for them to slip past gaskets, seals and rings that have worn even slightly over time, thus increasing oil consumption.

A service advisor saying this is not Ford saying this.
It is pretty common knowledge and varies by manufacturer/engine.

If you want a written statement from Ford, go ask them or go ask your service advisor to find it. I know some manufacturers have issued tsbs. I believe Ford has a few, but not sure on all the specifics. TSB 13-6-9 indicates 1 qt in 3000 miles as excessive for 2 ford engines. If you want to know more, you know where to go to ask.

While oil burning is a relatively common problem, manufacturers don't provide uniform guidance on this issue, so what might be normal for one engine could be excessive for another. For example, BMW tells owners it's normal for some of its engines to burn a quart of oil in fewer than a thousand miles. In a tip sheet to fleet-vehicle operators, GM says normal consumption "can be in the range of one quart within 2,000 miles on a properly driven and maintained vehicle." Other manufacturers say nothing in their owner's manuals about oil consumption — and if you ask what's "normal," the answer you get may depend on whom you talk to.

As a rule, most engines with fewer than 50,000 miles shouldn't use much more than a quart of oil between oil changes (unless the manufacturer says differently). If an engine requires a quart every, say, 3,000 miles or less, that could be a sign of a leak (which may not be easily visible) or of internal engine problems, such as worn valve guides, piston rings or any of a number of different types of seals. Once an engine gets beyond perhaps 75,000 miles, and certainly past 100,000, increased oil consumption should be expected.

In addition, many newer engines use thinner, lower-viscosity oil, such as 5W20 or 0W20 instead of, say, 10W30. Because these oils are thinner, it's easier for them to slip past gaskets, seals and rings that have worn even slightly over time, thus increasing oil consumption.
I believe I posted that same article, but apparently it isn't acceptable proof as it isn't a written/notarized statement from the manufacturer... ;-)

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