Oil Leak, What should I do? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Oil Leak, What should I do?


May 26, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Huntington Beach, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 Eddie Bauer
1991 Explorer Eddie Bauer 4X4 4.0L...

Took it in for an oil change at FORD and they told me they think the oil pan gasket needs to be replaced. No tests were done to prove this, but there is some oil dripping and visible oil on the outside bottom of the oil pan. I was looking at the engine today and noticed what appeared to be fresh oil leaking from the valve cover closest to the engine block (driver's side). I can't actually see the oil dripping, but it is definitely "wet" looking and doesn't appear to be old spilled oil. The closer I look, it appears the oil is possibly leaking onto the components below and then dripping off the oil pan. I'm not able to see the oil pan gasket very well to determine if it is leaking as well. Since there is visible oil coming out of the valve cover gasket, do you think I should start by replacing that gasket? Also, does that gasket have to be purchased through FORD or is an aftermarket gasket through an auto parts store going to be okay? Thanks

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The oil pan gasket requires the engine to be lifted.

a 91 Explorer 4.0L should be leaking a little oil :)
It is common for them to leak from the rear main seal, the valve covers, and the intake gaskets. the oil pan will also leak.

You can get by with just tightening the bolts on the oil pan for a while, it will slow that part of the leak. Dont go too tight, jsut a touch over what they are now. It's a 10 mm socket, start in the middle and work your way out. Plan to get dirty.
You might not be able to get all the bolts, its okay.

Now for the other leaks you can try a search, you can get all new intake and valve cover gaskets and do the entire job easy in an afternoon.

Dealerships will always list the problems with your truck in hopes that you will pay them to fix it. Ford v6 engines with 30K miles on them leak oil, if it was a serious leak I would be concerned, if you are less then a half quart between changes, keep one int he trunk :)

there are also MANY ways to slow or stop leaks, BG makes some EXCELLENT products when used properly, changing the type and weight of the oil will also effect the leaks.

Most aftermarket gaskets are okay, but Ford gaskets are always a safe bet and they are not that expensive.

ignore it.

i've got a crack across the whole lengh of my oil pan. valve covers leak too. in my case its only down about 3/4 a quart a month.

I've been on here before asking about my oil usage in my 1991. With no answers that are helping for me. My oil pan is covered with oil engine, drips very little. Valve covers didn't leak. But I have to add 1.5qts a week. I use 10w-30. Only have smoke if the truck leans on the driver side. When the check oil light comes on, near the end of the week, I have to add 1.5qts ( almost off the stick) Why and where is my oil going?????? The engine has 260,000 miles on it. Is the valve seals bad???? The motor is wet, but if the oil is leaking that much it should be flow out or have some big notice of a leak?


Don't trust the stealer on this one ! I had an 89 150 pick-up. Took it to the stealer to replace the water pump. When i went to pick it up they told me I had a lot of oil leaks and it would cost about $1,600 to repair- this on a in-line 6. The leaks were very minor, I did replace the valve cover gasket and all was well for about $50. I don't know how bad your leaks are but that is common for an engine as old as yours...

Is it the rear main seal? These trucks leak a lot from there.

How would you replace the rear main seal? Is it done at the same time as the oil pan gasket?
