Old Gas | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Old Gas

Diesel Tom

Active Member
May 8, 2015
Reaction score
City, State
Stone Mountain, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2007 Ford Explorer
I have 15 gallons of old gas. I think it's about 10 years old. I put Sta-Bil in it when I bought it. Should I put 1-2 gallons with each fillup in my Explorer? Or perhaps use it in the lawnmowers since it is Ethanol free gas?

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Imo I would not use it in my car or small engine because it is so old. looking at the pros and cons. The pros for using the gas are it is the most convient way. also you would be desposing in the way it was intended for. for the cons there are a few but the big ones are unessary repairs and engine running problems. I read a few things on Google on what to do with old gas and they did suggest putting it in your car only in small amounts (under a gallon per tank) or hazzardous waste but that may cost you to dispose of it. The three ways I would definitely not recommended you use it is as a fire starter, setting it out in an open container and letting it evaporate, or to dispose of it in a non environmentaly friendly way.

Recycle it at a chemical facility. Not worth the headache. Clogged many a filter using gas that was too old.

Way cheaper and safer to take it to a recycle facility (many are free) than paying for filter replacement or repairing damage to your engine,

pass on the gas!
