On-Line Audio Shopping | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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On-Line Audio Shopping


Active Member
February 15, 1999
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I figure there's someone out there wondering where the best deals are at on the web. I'm here to tell ya that there are only about four places on the web that seem to beat the rest of these so called "wholesale" dealers. Here they are:

1.> Smile Photo/Audio/video
Dead Link Removed

2.> Soundhabit

3.> SQ-Audio

4.> Outlaw Audio

I have actually purchased from Soundhabit & Outlaw Audio and they're really nice and efficient. Soundhabit has good prices on just about everything. Outlaw Audio has awesome prices on Stinger RCAs and Stinger batteries. Smile had Orion products on their web page, but when I ordered 3 Orion 2NTense subwoofers from them they e-mailed me about 48 hours later saying that they no longer carried Orion. They immediately removed Orion's products from their web page.

If you should buy anything from Soundhabit or Outlaw Audio, tell them Jayson Woodard sent you.

Happy Hunting!

Jayson Woodard
San Diego, CA

[This message has been edited by Jayson (edited 02-12-2000).]

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www.tms-electronics.com is really good too. Their prices are half of anybody else. Everything I've ordered has got here with in 3 days.


TMS has decent prices, but I found that everything much cheaper at the other places. I was shopping for Sony ES CD receivers and CD changers, Orion HCCA amps, and Orion NT subs. I ended up purchasing everything at www.Soundhabit.com and buying my HCCA amp online at eBay for an absolute steal. It's amazing what pawn dealers have in the stores that just collects dust!

Jayson Woodard
San Diego, CA

I ordered my stuff from Digitalwavez.com and i got it in about 2 weeks. There store has the lowest prices i've seen anywere on the net.

Soundhabit is cheaper, not by much, but every dollar helps. I've got to order 1 more amp and a sub and I'll be set for awhile. Thanks for telling me about it.

I like autotoys.com. I got my Alpine CDA-7845 from them for $365. It retails for around $700, so I wasn't disappointed. The price has gone up some now, though Dead Link Removed.

