ooops I did something really bad electrical | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ooops I did something really bad electrical


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July 28, 2010
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2002 Ford Explorer XLT
Ok I can really use some help. my 2002 4x4 kept blowing accessory relay fuse #17.... this morning it blew again and I did not have another, and the windows were down with sunroof open, and rain on the way. soooo, I thought I'd use some wire to bypass fuse just long enough to get the windows closed. I got the windows closed but before I could close the sunroof, The dome lights started to flash and then poof.... nothing. Now none of the dash gauges work, nor the dome lights, no radio just A/C and the speed o. Does any one have any suggestions. I think I might have burnt the GEM but do not know where it's located. Pics would be a big help. Thanks

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If #17 is protected "upstream" by a higher-rated protective device (Power Distribution Box under hood), it is possible that device has blown to open those circuits. You actually need Ford wiring diagrams for the vehicle to determine how the electrical "tree" branches down to the individual device. imp

Somebody made a boo boo :p:

I would start by checking all fuses & relays. I have an early '02 and my owner's manual is the second printing so I don't know if it pertains to your Ex. Here is the info from my '02 owner's manual:

Dead Link Removed Dead Link Removed

Dead Link Removed Dead Link Removed

Dead Link Removed Dead Link Removed

Dead Link Removed Dead Link Removed

Hope this helps out:biggthump

Nice job stepping up Rondo! This forum rocks/ taking the time to copy those pages is awesome. Go celtics!
Next time just try a little larger or little smaller fuse to get the job done, then go buy the right one,

Yea yea I really deserve it!

Thanks for the flogging.... I really deserve it.... I grew up old school and have used alm. foil on many fuses but times they have changed and with all the new stuff cars do today many of the old tricks just cause more problems. Does anyone have a schematic that they can post, so that I can trace the branch and find what I broke.

Thanks for all the help and the manual you guys rock

I, too, am "old school", and can tell you that, having seen, caused, and sometimes (!!) enjoyed electrical fires, no one back then, or now, having a smattering of "electrical smarts" would use a "bigger fuse" or aluminum foil!

IMHO, shame on you! And, yes, I have the schematics, and will post tomorrow, if you don't get nasty on me! imp

Edit: Meanwhile, if you're talking fuse #17 located in the Central Junction Box (under the LH dashboard) it's a 15-amp. fuse which feeds 2 things: the Battery Saver Relay, and the Accessory Delay Relay, which in turn feed a bunch of other things. F-#17 receives it's own feed from the Battery Junction Box, under the hood, F-#29, 60 amp. fuse. If F-29 is blown, F-17 will do nothing when replaced.

Thanks IMP!
I'm glad somebody remembers the good ole days. and your right. I too remember those electrical fires. I was just hoping to get 60 sec to get the windows closed.

I tested the 60Amp #29 and others last night and they all tested good. Here is a list of what does not work now. I'm thinking maybe I burnt up the GEM, since I can not find any other blown fuses or open CB.

Not working:
Dash gauges (ALL OF THEM tach, Alt, temp, speed-O, Fuel, odometer)
Dome lights
Power Windows / moonroof
Fog lights (Driving Lights)
Rear Window Defogger

Drivers pwr seat
wipers (front and back)
power mirrors
door locks and keyless entry

Wiring schematic indicates you have a late build '02. Check the BJB (underhood box) for 2 blown fuses F1.6 and a smaller F1.47 and I hope you find your problem there.



nc, WTH do you do to get those schematics legible? I am trying to help a guy elsewhere but they are not legible enough. Have tried 800 and 1600 pix. widths, direct-scan out of wiring manual. Thanks! imp

PM sent to imp.

imp & nc Thanks again.
Now with an entire Saturday morning gone I have followed the schematics and tested EVERYTHING attached to fuse #17 I even removed the Fuse box from under the dash and replaced the 2 relays (delayed acc, and battery saver).
I've tested every fuse except the 30Amp F1.47, which does not match my 1.47 (position 47 in Battery Junction Box) so I'm not sure where to find that one. (In-Line fuse maybe).
I still need help.... :(
What is next, the GEM?
Do I have one?
Where is it located?
If I can't get this I am going to be stuck taking it to an electrical repair shop that I've been referred to by a very trusted source.
I have already spoke to the shop and he said that the GEM has a lot of 5amp fuses surrounding it and that I should test them first. But not knowing what a GEM looks like or where it is located I can't tell.

Again I am so grateful for your help, I hope that one day I can return the favor!

I don't know about that "GEM has a lot of 5amp fuses surrounding it" but there are 3 7.5's.


NC do you know where it's located?
