Opinion From the Heat of Phoenix | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Opinion From the Heat of Phoenix

am a retired mechanic, 27 years in the field and I just thought I would pass on my opinion of tires on the Explorer. I have a 91 and currently run 235/75-15's Pathfinder A/T's. Runs smooth with no road noise. Just this evening another Explorer rollover here in Phoenix, killing 4 people inside. The culprit, a tire separation. I don't know about California, but here in Phoenix you have to contend with the heat. As a mechanic with considerable tire experience, I can tell you that the stock tire for these vehicles were not designed to run with 24 - 26 psi. I wouldn't put anything less than 35 psi in my tires as low pressure will kill a tire heatwise. And I also know that in my years here, (I'm a native), the only tires I have not seen come unglued are Goodyear Wrangler's, BF Goodrich tires, Discount Tire's Pathfinder, and Pirelli's. Bases on my experience I wouldn't put anything else on an Explorer. Two summers of 65 - 85 mph freeway driving and my tires are as sound as the day I bought them. Besides, Discount Tire will not put anything on an Explorer but a "P" rated tire in the factory size. I don't know about any other tire stores here. Just some info I thought I would pass on to you. I have used the above 4 brands of tires in all types of tread patterns with excellent service and safety. I know it is my opinion, but when I have my kids in the car, I just won't chance anything else. This opinion is highly recommended, brand and pressure, both critical!! Thanks for the website.

Ken Sutton

Buckeye, AZ

I am a Phoenix Native as well and currently run the BFG All-Terrains at 35 PSI and have never encountered any of these issues tire seperation and just want to back his point that whenever I see an explorer rollover (or had em done by a friend) it has been in part due to poor tires.
