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Opinions on 2004 Explorer


August 20, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Niceville, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2015 XLT
I'm looking to purchase a 2004 Explorer XLT with about 95,000 miles on it. I'll be checking it out today. I currently own a 2015 Explorer and previously owned a 2000. Just curious on opinions regarding the timing chains and the transmission issues I seem to see as common complaints.

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They're pretty decent, if you can get it really cheap and you are a good mechanic with tools and a place to work. Ball joints, wheel bearings, rear differential, HVAC, springs, weatherstripping, sun visors, etc. are other trouble spots. As far as transmission and timing chains, a failure there will cost you about $3800 each. YMMV

Which engine and how much?

4.0 V6 Flex Fuel for $4000. Based upon the carfax its been in two small collisions but was operable both times. I'm basically replacing a 2000 Expedition my son was just in an accident with. I had just totally rebuilt that thing, new engine, all new suspension components etc. He was stuck from the passenger side front on posted 20 MPH frame is bent 45 degrees....total loss to me. Ironically the plastic on the rear hatch glass isn't cracked and from the photo's it looks super clean. I have no issue with working on vehicles. The 5.4 swap on that Expy was probably the hardest one I've done and it wasn't that big of a deal once I figured out what to remove to get the thing out easy.

its not a bad price, but it's not a deal either. The "two collisions" part ought to put it at 3k. I also don't like the 4.0 SOHC. There's Ex's everywhere here in GA, I'd think the same for FL, so I'd look around. But, as you're in Fl, make sure it's not a northern car that's all rusted out underneath.

Edit, man you don't have a lot of options down there.

This Ex has 155k on it. But honestly, I'd be more interested in it.


Last edit, here, make the drive:
