Opions needed: What light to put on a Bull Bar | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Opions needed: What light to put on a Bull Bar

I am mounting a Westin Bull Bar on the front of my X. I am looking for some lights for it. I was going to get 2 HID KC1660. I thought I was getting 2 for my $350. I guess that buys just one. Now I need to find something for that price or less.

My explorer has just the standard high/low beams. I don't even have fog lights. I need something that will increase my vision while driving on Deer infested mountain roads. Maybe HIDs are over kill but I would rather do that then have the same light as the regular high beams. I would love to hear everyone's idea on the subject. By the way I do like to 4 wheel, so I need something that will hold up to some vibrations.

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So nobody has a favorite light they want to suggest.:(

Check out this PIAA page showing light beam patterns for fog, driving & some combos.
Remember that fog lights are the only beam pattern that you can use when oncomming traffic is present. All others have to be dimmed.
Let us know what you want.

Check out this PIAA page showing light beam patterns for fog, driving & some combos.
Remember that fog lights are the only beam pattern that you can use when oncomming traffic is present. All others have to be dimmed.
Let us know what you want.

Thanks, that is helpful. I would like fog lights eventually, but right now I am looking for extended lights on high beam. I ended up ordering Aldive's Slim Lights. Just from reading his link they are exactly what I want with out the cost of going HID. If I add a light bar to the top someday, I will put some fog lights on the Bull Bar.

Multiple sets...

These are Kragen's, I think, maybe PepBoys... I stick with this shape because they don't stand out. I had PIAAs on there, but took them off for a few reasons... note the pair at the bottom of the skid plate...


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Technically even most fog lights are illegal in the city unless they came original equipment on the vehicle, but I think you'll find you'll use the fogs a lot more then you would a driving light. I think of all the lights I ever had on any of my vehicles I liked the PIAA 520 amber fogs the best. They actually work well in fog and snow instead of just providing light, and had a good balance of up-close light so you could see right in front of you to see the lines, etc. but also a decent amount of down the road light to see what was coming at you. The true driving lights you'll find you probably never use except maybe on the interstate at night when there is little traffic coming at you (otherwise you'll keep getting flashed and likely get a ticket if a cop spots you).

Those sound nice! No link?

Hella all the way...affordable, great light output, and they look awesome all together. I have four of the 500 model on my brush guard and they are my retina burners :)
