Outside Temperature Gauge in XLS | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Outside Temperature Gauge in XLS


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December 12, 2003
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02 XLS

I just bought a 4-dr, 2wd, 2002 XLS. It does not have an outside temperature readout in the dash. And, of course, the spouse would love one. It does look like it could have one - meaning when starting the car, LED's briefly light up under the odometer. And, from what I read now, it is standard on all the other models. Is there any, _simple_, way I would be able to add this feature to my XLS?

thanks, brian

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The simplest (and cheapest) way to add outside temperature readout would be to buy an aftermarket unit from Pep Boys or the like. They're about 10 bucks, but most lack backlighting so they wouldn't be easily viewable after dark.

Next up the chain would be an aftermarket unit built into the rearview mirror (like Donnelly). These are much more expensive at around $300, but are much cleaner in appearance. Similar units are used in the Ford Escape/Mazda Tribute twins. These are viewable under all conditions.

The last potential option would be to try to find a gauge cluster from an XLT or Limited. You might find a used one on e-bay or you could try the parts department at a dealer. I'm not sure if the sensor is part of the XLS wire harness (I doubt that it is), but if not, you'd have to purchase and install it to make it work. Lastly, you'd have to have the new cluster programmed by the dealer to match your PATS key. In any case, if all of this is possible, it would be very expensive (likely over $500 with cluster, sensor and programming).

If it were me and I had an extra $300 in my pocket, I'd go for the Donnelly mirror. I think they have the photochromatic auto-dimming feature as well. It'll look great and I'm sure your wife will be thrilled.

BTW, I just bought my '03 XLT and the first thing my wife noticed (and complained about) was that the temp readout wasn't visible from the passenger seat. She got spoiled in my F150 with the readout in the overhead console. I guess there's no pleasing them!

Good Luck!

Thank you very much for the detailed reply. I think I will pass on that Pep boys route. But, the Donnelly gets my attention and I will at least look into that. Worth $300? I don't know, but it is worth a look. And yikes! The XLT cluster doesn't sound fun at all. I was hoping for something simple. But, that's why I posted. Thanks again for the great information!


what if you got one from an earlier model, like mine. its in an overhead console but i think you would be able to relocate it to where ever you want. dont know how mechanically inclined you are but if you are good at/like doing that sort of thing it might be worth a shot!

Fishman, that is an interesting thought. Thanks! I will take a look at an older model and see what they look like. And, of course, what it would take to do it. I'm "okay" when it comes to this stuff, it is just taking that initial dive.

thanks again, brian
