overhead console transplant with a factory pop up sunroof | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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overhead console transplant with a factory pop up sunroof

Neuman 93XLT

March 16, 2000
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City, State
Davidson NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 XLT 4x4
ok, this could be a rather stupid question. I ran a search and couldn't find anything definitive. Can i put in an overhead console in my 93 XLT even if it has a pop up sunroof?

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You should be able to do it without much trouble. You may be able to get either a console from a truck with a sunroof (has the sunrrof control switch in it) or from one without a sunrooof (has a sunglass/garage opener comapartment) (the consoles are different). If you get the console from a truck without a sunroof, then you'll need the mouning bracket for a truck without a sunroof. If you get a console from a truck with a sunroof, you'll need it's corresponding mounting bracket. Either way you decide to go, you should be able to do the install.

You might want to talk to a guy named Quick here on the boards. He installed a console from a truck with a sunroof in his 93. He may be able to provide you with some better info than me. I'm in the process of installing a console from a truck without a sunroof in mine.

Go check out the tips page. Rick posted my article I created to install an overhead console..

If you can't find it go to Dead Link Removed and you should be all set!

The overhead console with the factory moonroof control will NOT work. I believe that it is just a little bit longer than the other one. Get the regular one with the garage door opener. Thats the one that came with the Limiteds in '93 and '94 and those had the same sunroof as yours.

The overhead console from 93+ is exactly the same. They didn't change anything (except for in 97 they changed the color of the digits)..

The one with the sunroof button SHOULD fit. Hold it up and check. The are exactly the same size to my understanding.

Thanks guys, i think i'm going to hold out for a console with the garage door opener, it would be more usefull to me anyway. Two more quesitons though, where do i hook up the wire to the dimmer? Could i just piggyback it off of the light in the ashtray? 2) how can i test the unit before i leave the junkyard, make sure the thing lights up and is the right color, i want green.

Thanks for all your help

If you read me HOWTO it will tell you where to link up each wire.

The only want I can think of it find a 12v power source. Computers output 12 volts.

I took an old power supply out of a computer and did some mods on it to made it a 12 volt power source so I can test these kinds of things. On the computer power supply the yellow and black are the color wires you want to hook up the console to check it to see if it works.

Good luck.
