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Overhead console


Moderator Emeritus
August 4, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
SW Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Expedition XLT 4x4
I am wondering if there is an existing wiring harness in the X for a overhead console if mine did not have the overhead console when built. I have found a overhead console at E-Bay and I want to buy it if I can wire it without too much trouble, and if there is an existing harness there for me to wire into. If there is not what do I have to do to make this work? Much thanks.

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Alec, hey, thanks Buddy. I quess I was not using the right search terminology. Just what I was looking for. Thanks again. By the way I had the surgery done on my brain and I am up and going. Now all I have to do is take 2 drugs daily called Effexor, and Klonopin. Sometimes it makes me off balance but over all I am dealing with it. But they are still going to medical me for early retirement. Now I got this small scar and bald spot. I wear a hat all day.

I'm on Effexor 150, good stuff ;)

If you ever get a really bad headache and feel like crap, it's probably because you forgot to take your Effexor.

Yeah, I take 250mg every night before bed, and I take 1mg of Klonopin at the same time then I take a klonopin at morning and mid day to take care of the whole day. But sometimes I get really bad unbalance feeling like I am going to fall then I sit down and wait for it to subside then I am ok. But I tell you what, I got to drink a hell of alot of water because they really make me dry in the mouth. I piss like a race horse all day.

Back in my younger, stupider days, i used to take 1or 3 Klonopins and go drinking. Helluva buzz, but what a way to force yourself into a dirtnap. :(
