Overheating engine | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Overheating engine


New Member
July 26, 2013
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Ford Explorer XLT

My engine was overheating. There was a huge leak in the thermostat housing. I replaced it, hoping that it would fix the issue. I replaced the whole unit (housing, thermostat and new sensors). After letting her warm up on idle, I drove around to test her out, she was running a little cooler than before which was good. After a couple of miles she started rattling, LOUDLY, like if the fan was hitting something (coffee grinding sort of noise) and she started overheating again very quickly
Any ideas on what the problem could be?

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is it still leaking coolant? if it isnt leaking and your still over heating then i would suggest your t stat was put in backwards ( i did that once) or it wasnt "bled" when you put it in so their are air pockets. or have you looked at the fan while engine is running? can you see it turning? is it cracked? it could be cracked and not cooling the coolant that enough. in stop and go traffic your fan is key to cooling. if your not sure if its the fan perhaps your water pump is starting to go. there is a thread somewhere here about diagnosing the sound of a bad bearing in your water pump

Try the radiator. I just had to put a new Radiator in mine after it cracked unexpectedly. I never overheated once, and it was that way for a few months before I figured it the radiator had cracked. If I recall right, There are tracing dyes you can use to find a leak with a UV/blacklight.

Or buy or rent a pressure test kit from an auto parts store... There free usually

x2 on the pressure tester

There's another thread with some poor soul spending hours/days/months chasing a leak when a quick pump or two from the tester would have revealed the leaks' source


is it still leaking coolant? if it isnt leaking and your still over heating then i would suggest your t stat was put in backwards ( i did that once) or it wasnt "bled" when you put it in so their are air pockets. or have you looked at the fan while engine is running? can you see it turning? is it cracked? it could be cracked and not cooling the coolant that enough. in stop and go traffic your fan is key to cooling. if your not sure if its the fan perhaps your water pump is starting to go. there is a thread somewhere here about diagnosing the sound of a bad bearing in your water pump

No the coolant has stopped leaking. The thermostat has been correctly installed. The fan is still running and it is not cracked. I will take the belt off this week end to check the water pump and see if there if it is making a noise when I turn it. This morning I was bleeding the air out of the car and when I was slowly adding coolant to the radiator the car stalled... Any idea on what that would happen?
