OXIGEN SENSOR BANK 1 SENSOR 2, ELECTRIC PROBLEM | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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November 14, 2022
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Hello everyone,

I just got this constant problem with my oxygen sensor, specifically Bank 1 Sensor 2.

I bought a scanner so I can check my Explorer anytime i need. And it worked just fine. Due to the fact that last month I was traveling to another state in my country and the check engine turned on,. I put the scanner in, and the main problem were the oxygen sensors.

1. Bank 2 Sensor: Poor Mixed
2. Bank 1 Sensor 2. High Voltage: 1.60+volts.

The first one was changed by me. The second one, I just changed it (today), put the scanner back on to measure, and it still showed me a voltage of 1.67 volts or more.

Another behavior is that when I put Stop or Neutral, it just goes to 0.02-0.01 volts. And when I put Drive or First, it goes to 1.6 volts, and it stays in that range.

Does anyone else have this issue? Apparently it is electrical, but where do I start? Any suggestions?


Imagen de WhatsApp 2024-05-20 a las 15.57.38_75935f3d.jpg

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Hello everyone,

I just got this constant problem with my oxygen sensor, specifically Bank 1 Sensor 2.

I bought a scanner so I can check my Explorer anytime i need. And it worked just fine. Due to the fact that last month I was traveling to another state in my country and the check engine turned on,. I put the scanner in, and the main problem were the oxygen sensors.

1. Bank 2 Sensor: Poor Mixed
2. Bank 1 Sensor 2. High Voltage: 1.60+volts.

The first one was changed by me. The second one, I just changed it (today), put the scanner back on to measure, and it still showed me a voltage of 1.67 volts or more.

Another behavior is that when I put Stop or Neutral, it just goes to 0.02-0.01 volts. And when I put Drive or First, it goes to 1.6 volts, and it stays in that range.

Does anyone else have this issue? Apparently it is electrical, but where do I start? Any suggestions?


View attachment 452665
What is the sensors voltage, when the key is turn on and engine off ( not running)?
Next, same condition as above, move the selector thirty the gears, what the sensor voltage?

What is the sensors voltage, when the key is turn on and engine off ( not running)?
Next, same condition as above, move the selector thirty the gears, what the sensor voltage?
Hi, thanks for answering!

When the engine is off the voltage is 0.01 static.

Now for the second step, when you tell me yo move the selector thirty the gears, what does that mean exactly?

I'm on here....

Now, perhaps this would have more insight, now they're appearing new codes..... I'm getting crazy here..... I'm trying to see what is happening....

Imagen de WhatsApp 2024-05-20 a las 18.43.02_110dea3d.jpg


Just to keep you updated!

Looking for the codes shown above, it turns out that i have the speed sensor conector is in bad condition (i didn't know it!) I got under the truck and inspected it. I'd attached the photos i took.

Perhaps it's no related to the first post, but i really need to speake it out! I hope that it's not need to replace the speed sensor....

Note: following videos with instructions for the code P1506 IAC valve, it supposed to turn off the truck if it disconnected, but that didn't happen.. it just keep running....

I think i will end up crazy hahaha....

Any advice would be very appreciated! Thanks!












Hi, thanks for answering!

When the engine is off the voltage is 0.01 static.

Now for the second step, when you tell me yo move the selector thirty the gears, what does that mean exactly?

I'm on here....

Now, perhaps this would have more insight, now they're appearing new codes..... I'm getting crazy here..... I'm trying to see what is happening....

View attachment 452671
My thinking is you have a bad 02 sensor.
You could have a short heater circuit .
? Did you replace B2 sensor?
? Are both sensor reading the same?
You stated the voltage change. When the following,

"The first one was changed by me. The second one, I just changed it (today), put the scanner back on to measure, and it still showed me a voltage of 1.67 volts or more."
that normal. It behold go from 0 to 1.5 volt and stay there when up too temperature.

"Another behavior is that when I put Stop or Neutral, it just goes to 0.02-0.01 volts. And when I put Drive or First, it goes to 1.6 volts, and it stays in that range"
this Is not normal. You Stop or neutral,
It could be a bad O2 sensor.
If you check the voltage when cold , engine off. They should be 9 volts.
The sensors generate the voltage. Measure the resistance of the heater circuit. See if they are the same. The pictures of the connector looks bad connections. Clean them

My thinking is you have a bad 02 sensor.
You could have a short heater circuit .
? Did you replace B2 sensor?
? Are both sensor reading the same?
You stated the voltage change. When the following,

"The first one was changed by me. The second one, I just changed it (today), put the scanner back on to measure, and it still showed me a voltage of 1.67 volts or more."
that normal. It behold go from 0 to 1.5 volt and stay there when up too temperature.

"Another behavior is that when I put Stop or Neutral, it just goes to 0.02-0.01 volts. And when I put Drive or First, it goes to 1.6 volts, and it stays in that range"
this Is not normal. You Stop or neutral,
It could be a bad O2 sensor.
If you check the voltage when cold , engine off. They should be 9 volts.
The sensors generate the voltage. Measure the resistance of the heater circuit. See if they are the same. The pictures of the connector looks bad connections. Clean them
Hello friend, thanks for the follow up!

Yeah, the sensor in Bank 2 Sensor 1 was changed by me. That one works just fine, according to the volts. But the Bank 1 Sensor 2 was the one giving me the problem—1.6 volts before I got it changed at the workshop.

If I put it new, it should be normal in behavior, but it still gives me 1.6 volts (the new sensor). I changed that one yesterday in the workshop.

And the new codes were the result of the TR conector. As you can see in the picture, I'd go to a workshop and get that connector changed and clean the pins in the sensor. I hope everything goes well. This is tiring...

That connector is for the dtrs or what we call the digital transmission range sensor. Chevy guys call it a neutral safety switch lol lol
The connector For the range sensor looks like it was crushed or smacked or broken somehow

You need to replace that thing and inspect the wiring going into it
The transmission wiring harness and oxygen sensor wiring all run together, so if that connector got smashed what else was damaged under there?

There is power and ground running through there as well as signal wires for the start circuit and transmission controls.

Hello friend, thanks for the follow up!

Yeah, the sensor in Bank 2 Sensor 1 was changed by me. That one works just fine, according to the volts. But the Bank 1 Sensor 2 was the one giving me the problem—1.6 volts before I got it changed at the workshop.

If I put it new, it should be normal in behavior, but it still gives me 1.6 volts (the new sensor). I changed that one yesterday in the workshop.

And the new codes were the result of the TR conector. As you can see in the picture, I'd go to a workshop and get that connector changed and clean the pins in the sensor. I hope everything goes well. This is tiring...
The sensors after the cat are a straight voltage reading 1.6 volt is fine ( it monitor the cat). I don't know the set point for your car is.
The sensors in before the cat, goes between +1v to -1v. It adjust the fuel.

Hello everyone!

So, after a longtime of stressful thouhgts. I decided to try removing the new sensor and putting back que old one. That was today, like an hour ago, apparently all que Codes went off.. (Apparently) they don't show anymore.

I've heard that if the OS is not correct, it will drive your vehicle crazy, and apparently that what was happening to me, i'll keep checking the behavior with the scanner to see any change...

I really appreciated your support in this matter, is not easy went you've invest so much time and effort in your truck and it just get those scary codes i show before...

P.S: I've hanged the conector of the TR. Today as well. And it didn't change any code in the PCM.

