P0708 Mystery | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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P0708 Mystery

Swamp Fox

Well-Known Member
March 4, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Pee Dee Region - SC
Year, Model & Trim Level
'04 XLT 4WD K-flex 4.0 V6
I inspected the Transmission Range Sensor on my '04 SOHC V6 4WD and the contacts on the sensor and connector appear clean. It threw a code P0708 after our mountain trip and we headed home to inspect. Since there are no apparent signs of contact erosion or grounding out what does anyone think it could be. Maybe in need of fluid and filter change? I disconnected and reconnected the battery terminals and the CEL went away. Thanks for any feedback.

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I inspected the Transmission Range Sensor on my '04 SOHC V6 4WD and the contacts on the sensor and connector appear clean. It threw a code P0708 after our mountain trip and we headed home to inspect. Since there are no apparent signs of contact erosion or grounding out what does anyone think it could be. Maybe in need of fluid and filter change? I disconnected and reconnected the battery terminals and the CEL went away. Thanks for any feedback.

Common Problems That Trigger the P0708 CodeDefective Transmission Range Sensor (PRNDL input)
Defective Transmission Range Sensor (PRNDL input) wiring or connector
Defective Manual Valve
Defective Manual Valve linkage
Dirty transmission fluid that restricts the hydraulic passages

Common Misdiagnoses
Internal Transmission problem
Driveline problem


Thanks for the reply. What if I get a blinking O/D OFF light when in park but goes off when I put it in drive. I had driven it a few minutes across town and parked with the motor running while running errands.

Thanks for the reply. What if I get a blinking O/D OFF light when in park but goes off when I put it in drive. I had driven it a few minutes across town and parked with the motor running while running errands.

Sounds as though the TRS is misaligned. imp

Sounds as though the TRS is misaligned. imp

If that's all it is then that would be great. I cringe at the thought of a rebuild. The trans has been good so far and the truck has a little over 140K on it. I may go ahead and do a fluid and filter change. I will check the alignment of the TSR. Are there reference marks to align to? I was watching a Youtube vid of someone putting the TSR on another vehicle and there were score marks they aligned to. Does the same apply to the Explorer? It's pretty tight in that location.

Should be marks, make sure you have it in neutral.

Anyone have torque specs for the bolts for TSR? I know you could probably just do it by feel but nice to know.

Any way of doing it without the tool? Or is it just hit or miss without it?
Bob T

Any way of doing it without the tool? Or is it just hit or miss without it?
Bob T

I installed a TRS when my '96 trans. went south, bought a Ford Reman., but danged if I recall exactly how I aligned it. For one thing, the bolt holes were not so elongated that you could misalign it by much.

One way would be to have parking brakes securely applied, engine idling, TRS screws slightly loose, have someone place selector in Neutral. Under vehicle, if trans. is IN neutral, move TRS one limit, see if trans engages R or D, it may not. At any rate scribe or mark the extremes where either gear engages, then move TRS to CENTER of that travel range. That ought to work. imp

Thanks I appreciate your reply.
Bob T

Haven't repaired it yet. New symptom - Engine cutting off while idling. I've never had this problem.
