P1400 Error | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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P1400 Error


New Member
July 8, 2004
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City, State
Essex, Vermont
Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 Eddie Bauer
I am getting a check engine light coming on my 2002 Explorer with the 4.0 V6

The P1400 Error code states that "DPFE Circuit is low", my engine is also pinging when I step on it.

Does anyone know what I need to do to fix this? Is is the DPFE Sensor, EVR or EGR valve that is bad?

Any help would be appreciated!

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Replace the DPFE.

The DPFE Sensor you mean, right?
Are they easy to replace?
Once I replace it, how do I reset the Check engine light?

Thanks for the reply

Yes, the sensor. They are easy to replace. When finished, unhook the battery for 15 minutes and that will reset the light.

While in most cases where a code indicates the EGR system, it is the DPFE, in this case, it IS possible it is the EGR valve and the DPFE is simply reporting accurately. However no harm in trying the DPFE first, as replacing even a good one with a lot of miles on it might be considered preventative maintenance.

OK... Would this bad sensor cause my engine to ping when I step on the gas.
This is another issue I have noticed.....

That is precisely WHY suggested it may in fact be the EGR valve, and for once NOT the DPFE. Yes a bad EGR *could* produce a leaned out ping.


I am having both replaced on MOnday... I will let you know how I make out!

Thanks..... ;)
