painting bumpers and trim | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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painting bumpers and trim

i've seen a lot of explorers with painted bumpers (the gray plastic part, not the stainless steel part) and i like the look. i wanted to paint the bottom lip on the front of my truck, the grill and headlight surroundings, and the plastic piece on top of the bumper. anyone who has this done or something similar to it, can u tell me if u had it professionally done, or you did it yourself. if you did it yourself, what did you use and how did you do it?

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you may wanna look into some mountaineer parts.. the 97 upper portion of the bumper is smooth and painted stdock, infact the whole bumper is..

for grill.. explorer sport or XLS grills are painted, limited too if you wanted to go that route

the bottom lip.. dunno.. heh can't think of much that can be done there

btw the bumpers are chrome plated, not stainless steel, hehe if they were they'd weigh a TON, I have a stainless grille guard, the main difference I've noticed in finish bet. chrome/stainless is the color of it.. chrome is kinda blue-ish, stainless is kinda red-ish, compare the 2 side by side and you will knwo what I'm talkin about

hope that helps

kinda like this?


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thanx for the pic mo, but i was looking into painting the bumpers the color of my truck.

fox, where would i go about buying mountaineer parts?

I'd try

they may be pricey tho.. if they're too much you may wanna try a junkyard, but finding an X of any kind in a junkyard thats not as bare as the day you were born is hard :p

I had mine painted at a body shop.


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shope near my house quoted me 400 to get the running boards, front bumper (grey part) and the bumper grey top cushion. im sure if you do it yourself, it shouldnt cost more than 100 or so. for the supplies, taht is if you have the equipment, unles you do the rattlecan approach that i believe hartman is pretty darn good at

thanks, does anyone know where to get the self spray on stuff?
